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Thought I would give an update on what has happened since with me on Level 5.

I was getting bored and tired with the junior package of sexing so I stopped doing exercises for about a week. I want to make sure that everything from this junior package is in fact handled so I have now been back on the exercise for a week. Over the weekend I have noticed that more and more, I am not subject to the game at hand or the events at hand. I can look around at any moment and have an exterior viewpoint of what is going on. I then continue playing as before or adding in a new wrinkle or maybe even a new game.

I have an awareness completely independent of the situation and environment around me. Obviously makes me much more able to play the game and be in control of myself and the game too if I wish. I am less and less controlled by the game. Even though I am on a junior package, the concept, understanding and knowledge of the game(s) is also coming through on exercising the junior package of sexing. I don't know if this is true for those of you on junior packages but the subject of the junior package is yielding very little that is directly related to the subject, sexing. What I am really getting out of the exercise is how the game is played within the context of the junior package subject.

Here is something wild that happened. I was sound asleep and dreaming and all of a sudden I instantly woke up, was completely awake and lucid. In the middle of whatever I was dreaming I realized that my mother was dead. WHAT! I knew this to be true for over 11 yrs now. I even went to the funeral. I also know that the dream had nothing to do with my mother. Amazing what little tidbits the mind has stored away for future recall and use in the future. I never doubted that my Mom has passed away, never had any huge emotional or physical attachment, then or now or up to the sleep shattering awakening to the fact she has passed on. There was something there that really shook my sleeping reality though. Obviously one can live in more than just the physical universe. I certainly had a huge amount of something there that was not real or related to 'now' and certainly not related to conscientiousness.

My first big major, OMG, realizationing event while on TROM. Hey, handling the mind/case while one sleeps what could be more desirable.

Paul, Level 5 in progress
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