The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi David,

"All games are aberrating in the absence of the knowledge of how to play games
without becoming aberrated or becoming effect."


Excellent!  You have stated the basic, all encompassing concept.

Now let's study what that knowledge needs to be. First, here is the Theta Universe.

Theta Universe: (nothing here located no where. Just thought, considerations)

Mest Universe:  (It entirely consists of flows, four of them)

<<inline: Picture 1.png>>

random flows.  Can be given an importance.

<<inline: Picture 2.png>>

opposing flows, a stuck flow, a problem, a mass. Can also be given an importance.

<<inline: Picture 1.png>>

implosions, really heavy mass, concentratings. Can be given an importance.

<<inline: Picture 1.png>>

explosions, lessening mass towards dispersals and randomity. Can be given an importance.

From these four flows in space and all of the possible multiplications and locations we have Matter, Energy, Space and Time. One can also visualize mental mass. One would then have to consider that all mass originates from mental mass. Likewise energy and space with time, the measurement of that existence. The very beginning is Theta and a consideration.

With communication flows and the above, we now have identities and sentient bodies. Or so it seems, the bodies are sentient anyway. (he he he he)

So games are necessary for this MEST Universe to even exist. It is not necessary that games, flows and masses can never be changed or altered. It is not necessary that specific flows and combinations of flows must always exist.

With "The Factors" by Ron, one can see how it all comes into existence starting with "to be". From TROM one can see how the compliment 'must be' comes in with the negative other two parts of 'not be' and must not be'. Boy o Boy! Here come the games, right at the very beginning.

That's why Ron says that this is a 'two-pole universe' and a 'force universe'. It must be, if it consists of space masses and flows. From this breakdown it can be seen how things become more solid, more important, more unchangeable. It is also very easy to see how things can become less solid, less important and easily more changeable. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, freedom and the freedom of choice.

You, Theta always has and has always had the ability. It is all about knowledge and understanding and using that inherent ability of Theta. With intelligence and the right amount of force (flows), anything can be accomplished. Yes, one can be cause in order to have the desired effect both on oneself and on others. This of course has always been true but then can also come the shame blame and regret when the undesired result/effect results. Yup, one needs to wise-up and stop making the stupid causes if one does not want to be the stupid effects.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask.

Paul, Level 5 in progress
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