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I agree wholeheartedly with many of the points this video raises, especially the need to think critically and to not engage in "thought-stopping," which is a common requirement in cults and religions. (Sometimes it's not a requirement, but people do it instinctively to fit in with the group.)

Nonetheless, I think positive thinking can be beneficial in reducing anxiety, which in turn helps one cope better with situations, take risks, and become more proactive about finding opportunities. It also helps you be more likeable and outgoing, which improves and expands your relationships, which brings you more opportunities etc. It's a psychological effect rather than supernatural.

I have also seen instances where individuals in groups that practise positive focusing have extraordinary results which I cannot explain. I haven't met anyone who can consistently pick winning lottery numbers, but I have seen people who seem to read the backs of playing cards. But trying to duplicate such feats is usually less effective at improving your life than more mundane methods like taking action towards your goals and reducing stress.

Isn't that part of the phenomenon of RI? You focus on something other than your anxieties so they seem less real.

On 1/30/2012 11:56 AM, David M. Pelly wrote:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Watch this video to learn how "positive thinking" propaganda and "The Secret" fooled the world:




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