The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

--Hi David,--

Thank  you  so much,  Carlos.

I appreciate hearing and learning about Ayahuasca  from someone who has done 
both  Ayahuasca and auditing.

--It's my pleasure--

I imagine that it is quite possible that   by my inquiry  about Ayahuasca,  I  
have begun the end of auditing ( probably not Scientology as it has much more 
than auditing to offer) and the beginning of increasing popularity of Ayahuasca 
and more business  for the people who produce it.

:)  : )

But I want to make one comment on what you  stated as the reason why big pharma 
has classified Ayahuasca  as a drug.

 Your words: The pharmaceutical industry, which is fully aware of the superior 
healing properties of Ayahuasca 

( How do you know they are fully aware of the healing properties of Ayahuasca?)

-- Before I took Ayahuasca I researched a lot of documented studies for a 
period of 2 months. If you go to Google and 
    type "Ayahuasca research studies" you will find more than enough. After 
several people reported being cured for several
    mental discomforts, drug addictions and diseases like cancer, a few key 
figures in the pharmaceutical industry, decided to send
    several doctors and psychiatrists to South America to research the effects 
of Ayahuasca to find out if these "outrages" claims
    were indeed true. When these doctors and psychiatrists confirmed these 
"outrages" claims to be true, they decided to conspire
    with several federal agencies to make Ayahuasca illegal. These stories 
became known after some of these doctors and psychiatrists
    stepped forward and told what happened. I have these documents some were on 
my hard disc, but you can also find it on the net.--

 managed to categorize Ayahuasca as a "drug", in their attempt to prevent it 
from becoming known.

I doubt if they  see it that way.  It is possible,  but I think it is more 
that,  that is the data they are operating on.

That is what they have been taught in school.  (  But I may be wrong.)

Then to add to that,  most people form opinions on things they are not 
qualified to comment on.

Such activity  is a systemic social aberration.

To comment on or form opinions on something that a person has no experience in 
or useful  knowledge of ( therefore not qualified to comment on ) is a form of 
intellectual dishonesty.

A person should never say anything they cannot prove.

In alignment with what Hubbard said that the truth is not determined by 
authority, the truth is also not determined by argument, ( or who wins an 
argument ) or opinions or beliefs  or majority vote or any other arbitrary.

The truth ( the value of a datum)  is determined by the number of problems a 
datum solves and how well it solves them.

In other words any idea ( or datum)  is only as good as it works.

And nothing is true unless it can be proven to be true.

Now I would  like to hear from about a half a dozen  other independent, 
impartial and  properly qualified people who have  taken Ayahuasca and also did 
a sufficient amount of Scientology and auditing  to hear their viewpoints and 

This would or should adequately confirm  your findings or viewpoint, Carlos.

I also get the idea that a person really  has had to have come to the end of 
their rope in life and exhausted all the evil in them,  to be ready  for the 
benefits of Ayahuasca.

Or do you honestly   think that a person who has not come to the end of their 
rope and not exhausted all the evil in them would  get the best benefits from 

--Anyone that takes the right precautions will benefit from Ayahuasca. A good 
source for experiences and other data is 
http://www.erowid.org/plants/banisteriopsis/banisteriopsis.shtml --

In any event Ayahuasca is not so much of a best kept secret any more.

I for one would like to learn more about what Ayahuasca is from you and more 
about your "experience"  with Ayahuasca. 

>From what I read,  there are almost as many  different concoctions or recipes 
>for the concoction as there are people making it.

I also understand that Ayahuasca is pretty raunchy tasting.  

Your viewpoints, knowledge and experience would be much appreciated.

--The best way is to experience it for yourself, than you will know, based on 
your own experience, what it is and what it is not.--

Thanks again,




The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

David wrote: 

Has anyone here ever taken Ayahuasca?

Has anyone here ever processed someone who has done Ayahuasca?

I want to know what the experience of taking Ayahuasca is a from a Scientology 
( or TROM)  point of view?
-Ayahuasca is a multidimensional cleansing and clearing program that represents 
itself as a female consciousness.
 It shows you that which you don't want to see. It makes you feel that which 
don't want to feel. It let's you know that
which you don't want to know and it does this repeatedly until it is fully 
as-ised by you.

When you go into (a Scientology) session you use your current viewpoint to look 
at things and as-is that which
comes into view. When you use Ayahuasca your viewpoint will be (temporarily) 
removed and you will experience
and be all-that-is. Once you are fully aware that you are anything and 
everything, you will know that you are 
that which has been defined as "god" and actually experience what it means to 
be "god".

Does it have any bona fide clearing or emotional purging effects
-Ayahuasca is the most powerfull clearing and healing method I have ever 
experienced. Once it gets into your body
 it immediately starts scanning you for any and all unwanted conditions and 
barriers. Anything that does not belong 
 into your body and in you will be removed.

Does it do harm to the body or and mind, like weed or other popular drugs?
- No, Ayahuasca does not harm the body or mind and it is not a drug. It's one 
of the best kept secrets in the clearing field.
 The pharmaceutical industry, which is fully aware of the superior healing 
properties of Ayahuasca has
 managed to categorize Ayahuasca as a "drug", in their attempt to prevent it 
from becoming known.

Does a person who has taken it respond well to auditing?
-Yes, but If you manage to control the dosage you take and really understand 
how Ayahuasca works, 
 you will never need anymore auditing.

Does a person who has done Ayahuasca need auditing after taking it?
- No, Ayahuasca removes charge bit by bit until there's no charge left.

 In other words does it do what auditing does? 
-Yes, and it does much, much more than any auditing.

Does a person who has taken it need to do a purif?
-No. Ayahuasca is the highest form of purification. It reprograms your physical 
and spiritual DNA.

Any information would be helpful.
- You're welcome.


If you do not know what Ayahuasca is then you cannot help me, but can learn 
something here: 







Trom mailing list

David wrote: 

Has anyone here ever taken Ayahuasca?

Has anyone here ever processed someone who has done Ayahuasca?

I want to know what the experience of taking Ayahuasca is a from a Scientology 
( or TROM)  point of view?
-Ayahuasca is a multidimensional cleansing and clearing program that represents 
itself as a female consciousness.
 It shows you that which you don't want to see. It makes you feel that which 
don't want to feel. It let's you know that
which you don't want to know and it does this repeatedly until it is fully 
as-ised by you.

When you go into (a Scientology) session you use your current viewpoint to look 
at things and as-is that which
comes into view. When you use Ayahuasca your viewpoint will be (temporarily) 
removed and you will experience
and be all-that-is. Once you are fully aware that you are anything and 
everything, you will know that you are 
that which has been defined as "god" and actually experience what it means to 
be "god".

Does it have any bona fide clearing or emotional purging effects
-Ayahuasca is the most powerfull clearing and healing method I have ever 
experienced. Once it gets into your body
 it immediately starts scanning you for any and all unwanted conditions and 
barriers. Anything that does not belong 
 into your body and in you will be removed.

Does it do harm to the body or and mind, like weed or other popular drugs?
- No, Ayahuasca does not harm the body or mind and it is not a drug. It's one 
of the best kept secrets in the clearing field.
 The pharmaceutical industry, which is fully aware of the superior healing 
properties of Ayahuasca has
 managed to categorize Ayahuasca as a "drug", in their attempt to prevent it 
from becoming known.

Does a person who has taken it respond well to auditing?
-Yes, but If you manage to control the dosage you take and really understand 
how Ayahuasca works, 
 you will never need anymore auditing.

Does a person who has done Ayahuasca need auditing after taking it?
- No, Ayahuasca removes charge bit by bit until there's no charge left.

 In other words does it do what auditing does? 
-Yes, and it does much, much more than any auditing.

Does a person who has taken it need to do a purif?
-No. Ayahuasca is the highest form of purification. It reprograms your physical 
and spiritual DNA.

Any information would be helpful.
- You're welcome.


If you do not know what Ayahuasca is then you cannot help me, but can learn 
something here: 







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