The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I do not have the credentials of others on this board and I hardly can
believe my good fortune that someone like myself would find TROM and be
able, or at least want to be able, to duplicate, but somehow I knew on some
level that Level 5 was the cat's meiouw.

Timebreaking is a bit like Ron's date/locating in that it helps one put the
scene back to where it is, and no longer here where it does not belong.

[Imagine one of us in our higher game states decided that "then equals

Timebreaking is also NOT a contrivance, but a native ability, and those are
always good to recover, as I discovered for myself.

I personally have not yet quieted my mind to my satisfaction that I feel I
can run Level 5 of TROM.

However, the greatest leaps and gains I've made in my case first came from
learning to Timebreak and run RI.

However, the even greater case gain I have recently been making is
re-learning another native ability -- to "let go" or "release" without any
Q&A (questions and answers, or trying to figure things out, etc.).

Where did I learn this?  From a fella now deceased, Lester Levenson,
founder of The Sedona Method.  I am wading through a home-study course
right now.

Lester approached his case typically by removing the sensation between the
goal sets, and apparently he worked at it enough to empty the goal sets of
all sensation, if not collapsing the opposing goals.

He validates TROM because his discoveries were independent but similar to
Dennis' discoveries.

For example, Lester, after running out some junior packages, ran into what
he called "one-ness" and "separate-ness".  Is this not the "To Know"?

For myself, due to the noisiness of my mind, even after doing a full
battery of CCHs, Timebreaking and RI were still a trudge, but no
complaints, because I knew I was going to get past that and get onto Level

However, my mind is quieting down much faster now that I also have regained
the ability to simply "let go".  I don't even attempt to put the scene out
of the present and back into the past as with Timebreaking.

Some days I am laughing for no reason at all, and I speak a lot less too,
which is a good indicator for me.

Analytically, I see that the releasing skill, with all of its supporting
coaches and teachers and forums, is a great adjunct or bridge into Dennis'
work.  I think Dennis would agree, if I can stick my neck out a bit here.

My mind, as an unruly child, either expresses or suppresses or escapes, and
now I'm more on top of it and curtail those grooved in strategies with
consciously "releasing".  It is becoming what I call a "kitchen sink"

Sedona Method and TROM are the only two simple methods I am aware of that
process one towards the stated goal of "one-ness", or total resolution of
mind.  I've had a couple of experiential understanding of what that is for
myself from running Sedona Method with the help of a coach.

This is a milestone for me because before I could only intellectually
understand, and now I have experienced a taste of it for myself.  I imagine
running Level 5 will give me further glimpses.

 In fact, I fully intend to polish off any gains I make using Sedona Method
with Dennis' discovery.

Releasing and Timebreaking -- two awesome tools for a being who is
resolving his mind.

Oh, one other discovery -- when in the releasing mode one does not need to
do RI because one is continuously in a state of releasing whatever comes
up, as it comes up, and, as I said, it is a kitchen sink kind of activity
-- can be done almost anywhere, anytime once one gets themselves trained in.
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