The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Martin, Pete, and all trommers

" As the mind only contains his own past postulates, he cannot possibly
ever win the game against his own mind. It is the one game he can only
lose.  "

In fact the word 'mind' in above text means 'reative mind'.

And our analytical mind is continuously playing games with our reactive

I disagree with Dennis when he say that our analytical mind only can lose
the game with our reactive mind: sometimes we can win the game! Using TROM,
for example,  is a winner strategy for this game.

When Pete was in his blue funk his analytical mind was overwhelmed by his
reactive mind with some 'blue funk' postulate.

He knew that he could solve the problem using TROM, but he couldn't.

The 'blue funk' postulate put Pete into a procrastination mode: he knew
what would be better to do, but he could not do anything with TROM. He was
forced to not know TROM exercises.

Then he studied and successfully applied another technology, which was not
known by his mind (both reactive and analytical). The unknown-ness of this
strategy did not allow a new procrastination overwhelm, and Pete got ARC.
(Am I plausible Pete?)

So, every procrastination is clearly an overwhelm from the reactive mind,
with the analytical mind assuming the overwhelming postulate to not to do
something. Each new postulate introduced by analytical mind to overcome the
procrastination is followed by a counter postulate from reactive mind,
letting the being immobilized.

Over the internet there are thousands of recipes to overcome
procrastination. This probes that it is not an easy task.

Every human being, in some part of his life, gets wonderful results from
good technologies just to stop using it a little later. He can find several
(and of course, futile) reasons to stop using it and do not realize that
his analytical mind was forced to not know that technology again and
entered in pure procrastination mode.

When a first read TROM book, I got enthusiastic and decided to start TROM
exercises in the next weekend. On Thursday I got a cold. I did not start
TROM exercises on that weekend, and on Monday my cold started to vanish.

Then I decided to start again next weekend. New cold, new delay.

Finally I got the message: my mind could not overwhelm my mind with a
counter postulate (because my enthusiasm about TROM were huge), so it
overwhelmed my body with a cold, but with the same effect.

The solution was to overwhelm my reactive mind: I decided consciously to
procrastinate forever those TROM exercises (I think aloud that to myself,
and did not think to start exercises, but I knew, deep inside, I would). In
this movement I took in my mind a complimentary postulate, and that cold
postulate vanished completely.

Then on the next Saturday morning I wake up (without any problems) and in
that precise moment I decided to start TROM exercises, without letting room
for cold-style procrastination.  I got up, went to my home-office  and
started with TROM exercises, successfully.

My both minds learn with every new overwhelming strategies I introduce in
my games with reactive mind, so from times to times I got myself
procrastinating something without solution, looking for a new (i.e.,
 unknown by me) and workable strategy. It is not an easy task, either.

Best tromming

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