The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hello to TROMmers!

I write this letter because I think I need help. The thing is that though I 
have actually started doing TROM, and though I do not have anybody to discuss 
it with (thus wasting time), I stopped doing it after a while and still not 
doing it. For a few months I was always distracted by different useless deeds, 
and only a few times I had "good" moments when I thought "damn, I should 
practice" - and did a bit of RI - but after that I again returned to useless 
things. And the worst thing while you are into those distractions, is that you 
don't even realise what you really need (TROM), you either don't remind 
yourself about TROM at all, or it seems to be like from another reality.

So, what, at my opinion, would be a great help to me. There is a sort of a rule 
that if a man gets into some specific environment, he soon gets qualities and 
does same things as people of that environment. So, in order to start actually 
hard work on TROM, I hope to get into contact with some of experienced 
TROMmers. I suppose those should be people who are working on Level 4 or 5 of 
TROM, practicing every day and getting real results from practice. 

I tried to read this list, but it didn't help me much in staying on TROMming 
way. So I think some closer contact with a lvl 4 or 5 practitioner would be 

So if anyone could do me such a favour (just a couple of hours of talk, I 
travel to a place), please let me know through e-mail: max-cz...@seznam.cz or 
through the list. I'm in Czech Republic, so I suppose most possibly it can be a 
practitioner from Germany/Austria or other close countries.

It's very pity, that right now I have a lot of time and just waste it instead 
of practicing... Soon summer comes and I want to spend it with profit by 
practicing. If I, on the other hand, continue practicing with my current pace, 
I'm not gonna finish lvl 2 till the end of this life...

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: The moment I'm writing this letter is one of those "good" moments, when I 
realise that I should practice (I also realise that most likely I will return 
into routine in an hour or two after writing this letter).
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