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At Level 4 in TROM we run overt and withholds.  here is L Ron Hubbards view on 

very interesting
keep on TROMing

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ant Phillips <ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk>
> Date: May 4, 2012 12:14:30 AM PDT
> To: ivy-subscriber...@lists.worldtrans.org
> Subject: [IVy-subs-1] O-W A Limited Theory
> **                                   ivy-subscribers-1
> Started January 1997
> Relaying positive communication to participants.
> **
> (Apparently authored by LRH from a time about ten years after Book 1)
> 23 Hancock Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg
> Franchise
> Before I would permit you to believe that the overt-withhold mechanism was a
> total way of life, I would point out that it applies only to a strata of 
> existence and that it
> stems from failures to help.
> The theory that what you do to others will then happen to you is a punishment
> control mechanism peculiar to this universe. It derives from a deteriorated 
> willingness
> to duplicate. It is the law of physics of Interaction — for every action 
> there is an equal
> and contrary reaction.
> “Love thy neighbour”, when it is no longer a willingness, is enforced by the
> theory of O-W. “Love thy neighbour” can exist only when help, control and
> communication are high. When all these go, then O-W comes into vogue as a 
> method
> of enforcing peace.
> O-W is a theory which sets in when aberration sets in. It is not a high 
> natural law.
> It is junior to the various laws of Communication, Control and Help.
> O-W can occur only when help has failed. Help is a co-joining of vectors of 
> life.
> When two beings who have joined forces to help fail each other, only then 
> does O-W
> come into existence.
> The forces of two beings cannot come into dispute until after they have first
> joined. Thus there is no war like that seen between brothers or husband and 
> wife.
> The cycle is this:
>         CONTROL
>          MIS-CONTROL
>         HELP
>         FAILED HELP
> Basically, O-W is an effort to regain the status of independent being without
> taking responsibility for any of the intervening steps.
> The reason we run O-Ws is that most pcs are on O-W by Transfer, which is to
> say, when they kick George in the head they get a headache themselves. This 
> makes
> them think they are George. We use O-W since it explains phenomena found at a 
> low
> humanoid level. We do not use it because it is a senior governing law of the 
> universe.
> When Help comes up, O-W as a mechanism drops out. We could run a full case,
> it would appear, with Help. However, in practice it is better to run lots of 
> O-W with
> failed help as they complement each other and move the case faster. By running
> O-W we disclose many new failed helps. Why? Look at the cycle above and see 
> that OW
> occurs only when Help has failed.
> Similarly, on the same cycle we see that worry undercuts O-W. But if it is 
> run, it
> should be worked with O-W. The worry cure has commands as follows:
>         Get the idea of worrying something. 
>         Get the idea of not worrying something. 
>         Get the idea of something being worrisome.
> People, animals, things can be used in place of “something”. The process, 
> going
> rapidly up toward failed help, is a bit limited and should be run with 
> another process of
> the type of “Get the idea of attacking something” “Get the idea of not 
> attacking
> something” to keep it going. The worry process bogs if run too long just by 
> itself. It is
> a very valuable process as it explains many reactions and undercuts many 
> cases.
> Worrying something is close to the lowest level of overt. It is the lowest 
> effort to
> individuate.
> But just as worry is not a way of life nor an answer to all of life, neither 
> is the OW
> mechanism an end-all law.
> Many cases are not up to recognizing their overts. They will also have trouble
> recognizing their failures to help. Usually, then, they can recognize being 
> worried or
> worrying people and thinking unkind thoughts and even attacking things.
> Failed help also lies as a harmonic below O-W and so runs on any case if 
> assisted
> with O-W as in Formula 13 or assisted with the Worry Process as above.
> Worrying people is almost a way of life for the juvenile, just as O-W is with 
> a
> criminal. People who feel childish or act that way are stuck in the violent 
> motion of
> childhood and worrying others. Many pcs use their processing just to worry the
> auditor. Worry is the most easily dramatized O-W.
> O-W, whether as worry or being critical (unkind thoughts), is the result of 
> failure
> to help. O-W is the reason one gets another’s valence. O-W is why pcs have 
> somatics.
> But O-W is not a high order law.
> You will not always have to be careful not to bump Joe. It would be a horrible
> universe indeed if O-W was its senior law, for one could then never do 
> anything.
> Fortunately, it drops out, both as a governing law and a necessity in life.
> LRH: pe.cden
> Copyright © 1960
> by L. Ron Hubbard
> [This HCO B was later reissued from Saint Hill Manor on 5 January 1961 with 
> the distribution
> “Franchise Holders”.]
> **
> Originations, comments, to the list, send to 
> ivy-subscriber...@lists.worldtrans.org
> Home Page: http://www.ivymag.org with extensive links to FZ!
> **
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