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Hi Colleen
  Backups are important. I have made duplicates of the TROM materials on many 
media including printed, audio tape, dvd copies of the audio and text material 
and of course the Yahoo website so a computer crash at home won't lose me the 
  I think the next step after completing the transcripts is to edit them for 
book publication by eliminating all the stutters, false starts on sentences, 
repeated sentences etc. The same job that Greg Pickering did for the TROM 
manual.  Then it would be possible to have a paper copy of the whole library of 
TROM materials.
These books could be published as Kindle e-books as well as PDF that are 
formatted to print out as 6 inch by 9 inch handbooks as i did with the TROM 
manual at www.tromhelp.com.  i find that size to be convenient.


Sent from my iPad

On May 8, 2012, at 12:34 PM, Colleen Peltomaa <cygnifi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hello, Pete, I downloaded the latest transcripts and some of the older ones 
> too and will have it all on two hard drives and one flash drive memory stick. 
>  Some of it is also printed out.
> DHS wrote:"The entire secret of making any mental mass vanish is to 
> re-evaluate its importance to present time realities to the point where it is 
> considered so trivial that there is no longer any need to keep it in 
> existence, at which moment the mass can be easily not-known and will promptly 
> vanish."
> After tripping out for several months exploring the other "Masters" such as 
> Nisargadatta (very direct), Lester Levenson (workable processes in the Sedona 
> Method), and lastly Adyashanti (excellent command of English language and the 
> subject matter, agreeable aesthetics) I am back to reading afresh TROM 
> manual.  The lack of verbosity and aesthetics in TROM and Dennis is glaring 
> in my eyes, but only because I still have some aesthetic hangups.  I know 
> that too will pass.  I recall Dennis saying how beautiful he finds the level 
> 5 matrix.  
> In the early section of the manual where Dennis talks about the 4 legs of 
> overts/motivators I determined that I consistently act out "must be known" 
> and it rang true once I scanned myself and see my extreme sensitivity to 
> rejection, and scientologically extrapolated out that I also commit/committed 
> overts of rejection and this dovetailed very nicely with discovering my 
> current reality of my true conditions per the LRH Ethics Conditions and their 
> formulas.  Worked up from the bottom (below Confusion) and am at point of 
> writing up O/Ws re rejection, sticking to this lifetime.  Gained a new level 
> of proper humility.  I pay tribute to Dennis and the other "Masters" for not 
> allowing me to linger and languish in high-minded identities and games states 
> of "enlightenment", and to keep tromming through to Nirvana, which means 
> "cessation".
> Dennis pointedly states that one might not be able to flatten a junior 
> universe if there are continuing overts, and I saw my own universe that I 
> was/am still holding on to and how it was formed to keep me in the game and 
> winning, and how I still commit overts, still play that game.  
> At one point during the ethics conditions process I saw all the IP states 
> organized as The Flower of Life, a topography of consciousness as pertains to 
> IP states as they eternally create sensational matters.  From the distance 
> these IP states all look so lovely and beautiful.  Was it not so?
> And "That was then and this is now...".
> colleen
> -- 
> - i - 
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