The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I am next to comment ;)

There is no such thing as a doubt postulate.
There are postulates which made things go wrong. Hence doubt in present time.


Am 22.05.2012 12:46, schrieb r:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Alessandro, you're making it too complex, i believe.
If your postulate is to jump (a fence), then the cause of your doubt is NOT the postulate "to fall down" but the conflict between the "to jump" and the "to not be jumped" postulates.
"hello trommers,
last day , while doing my exercise, I focused on "doubt".
Doubt is a strange game , you postulate that you will do something ,
or create something , but you are not sure if you will do it.And I
started to write down the postulate strcture of doubt.Now I need your
help to formulate its structure well.
For me it is a double bounding , you have postulate "A" and you have
postulate "B" .
The structure is "if A then B " plus "if B then A ".
example : one postulates to jump a fence , and attached to the
postulate "to jump" there the postulate "to fall down" , maybe in the
subconscious mind. the person focuses to jump , but when he does it ,
he also brings into existence the postulate "to fall down",
unconsciously. The result is a failure.
Could it be that if we remove from our mind all these double bonding ,
we could experience a marvellous life ?
what do you think ? come on I wait for your point of view,
thank you

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