The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

> if you take a charged car battery which has a positive and negative ( know, 
> not know ) set of terminals and touch them together what happens ?
> crack  !! sparks, heat and smoke etc. 
> this is the same kind of charge you go after and null or time break out  in 
> the mind. Its a must vs mustn't . a positive vs negitive. know vs not know. 
> Without a positive there can be no negative the positive always comes first .
> the neg is always drawn to positive and the positive never draws to the neg. 

The losing valence always goes into the winning valence. ALWAYS. you'll never 
see a winner go into a losing valence. 
> . the universe becomes very simple to understand once you have the basics.
> the Mind is a dual universe construct. It doesn't exist outside of this 
> universe the way it does within the universe. It's exclusive to this 
> universe. Not the spiritual being.
> Funny how no one ever seems to comment on the big white elephant sitting 
> quietly in the middle of the living room . 
> Its the white elephant called the basic law of the universe. . A law that 
> prevents knowing . a law that prevents knowing a thing that exists outside of 
> this universe.
> It prohibits knowing things until AFTER things have been created in this 
> universe.  It prohibits knowing things before the creation. But only applies 
> while one considers themselves within this universe. 
> It prevents knowing things prior to the creation of this universe since its 
> peculiar to this universe and the creation of this universe. It prevents 
> knowing things outside of this universe while in it.  since anything created 
> outside of this universe is not subject to this basic law and the rest of the 
> laws of this universe. But as long as you abide by this law, no thing can be 
> known outside this universe while in it as it is not part of or created 
> within this universe. So it can not be known. It's a different space and time 
> dimension. Space and time of this universe to not apply to any other 
> universe. Including anything created outside of this universe. 
> Its a very nicely hidden trap.  Whats a  better trap than a trap that is 
> hidden from view  ? One doesn't even know where to look for it, as its almost 
> impossible to find or know of its existence. The irony is that it's sitting 
> right in front of your face. Like a big white elephant sitting in the middle 
> of your living room. 
> Its a mystery that goes unsolved from lifetime to lifetime . A body can die 
> and the being can check out , but the spiritual being can never leave. Wheres 
> one to go when one considers this universe the only place there is. You can 
> leave of you want to but you better know you can first .

> Some will have you convinced that there's only the MEST universe. and prior 
> to that was and is no thing. no place no where else. JUST the mest universe. 
> Just this one.
> One may just consider, why bother looking else where since this is the ONLY 
> universe. Others may have you believe there's an outer universe that traps 
> beings in this one. Total BS. Lol . Don't let anyone try to convince you of 
> it. 
> A spiritual being can only be trapped this way by consideration. . You cant 
> grab a being by its arm and say where do you think you're going pal ? Can you 
> ? All one can do is convince others.
> You wont have any advantage over humans knowing the true nature of this 
> universe either. You'll only get so far with it, but as long as you're in it, 
> you'll be bound by its laws just like the guy in the car next to you .
> Its nothing more than a know / not know dual structured universe. The four 
> basic abilities are abilities that are peculiar to this universe NOT the 
> spiritual being. These four abilities are the ONLY basic abilities a 
> spiritual being has while considering itself within this universe. 

Knowing the creator of  this universe or how the creator came to be is in 
direct violation of the basic law that governs this universe. Since the creator 
came before the creation of this universe and is outside of this universe , it 
can not be known until you leave this universe. There can only be theories but 
can not be directly known while in this universe.
> Once outside this universe or any other universe,  there are no limitations 
> upon the spiritual being . it can know do be have see look anything on and on 
> and on, you name it . its possible  into infinity . no limits. 
> here's a quote from the Games manual . The original Game Manual at the 
> www.resolutionofmind.org
> Quote : 

> I offer you a route out. There may well be other routes out; if there are I 
> know not of them after many lifetimes of searching. The fortuitous 
> combination of games matrix and circumstances that permitted me to discover 
> this route at this time may not ever happen to me again; and others too could 
> easily overlook it. So don’t lose this data, for it may be many lifetimes 
> before you come across it again - if you ever do.
The data is quite free. I only ask two things:

1)      You use the data.
2)      When you duplicate the data, you duplicate it exactly. Not because I am 
enamored with my prose style, but because altered it could very easily become 
just another trap in a universe already abundantly endowed with them.
> End quote . 
> Slim
> -- 
> Have a nice day  :  ) 
Trom mailing list

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