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HI Ralph,
Welcome and thank you for your input.

As to your comment on CCHs:

"Yes TROM is intended to be all inclusive tech done Solo, except for
needed CCH's. ( Personally, I would likely recommend CCH's for everyone ). "

I wholeheartedly agree.  I would like to do CCHs, perhaps, at least


On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Ralph Clouse <
sojourner.on.earth.for....@gmail.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Coming out of Non-Existance on TROM list
> Hello everyone. My name is Ralph Clouse, USA, east coast in CT.
> Have been doing TROM on and off for a couple years. Have been using the
> technology especially when life get's rough. Thinking with the
> understanding
> of TROM Games Manual and postulates is everyday routine, but is now
> to become everyday exercises.
> Was in the Cof$ = Church of Scientology from 1986 till 1996. Got trained
> to Class-6.
> Was in last life from 1950 till 1957 when that body was dropped. Won't be
> repeating
> that game.
> I have also taken on some other techs that aid in day to day as-issing of
> case.
> Sedona Method can be useful, and Listening to and reading Lester Levenson
> can spiritually balance out the more intellectual nature of TROM .
> Other so called Masters are good food for the soul also.
> Much of the 50's Tech of Scientology can aid in dropping postulates, and
> boosting tone level, : The book Creation of Human ability, etc. I have
> also just tested
> out a version of Power Processing recently to Very Good result.
> Colleen Peltomaa on this list was my PC.
> Yes TROM is intended to be all inclusive tech done Solo, except for
> possible
> needed CCH's. ( Personally, I would likely recommend CCH's for everyone ).
> However tech that can boost your wherewithal to better confront as an
> auditor
> in short order, for those struggling, just makes practical sense to me.
> One personal example : I was plagued with nearly daily headaches for years
> ( 25 years ). Tried doing TROM with these headaches 4 years ago, but was
> not able to fully get it it applied while in pain. I found an auditing
> technique
> called R3X done by phone which for the first time helped, then later I was
> an
> experimental PC over the phone for a CL 8 auditor needing a PC who ran
> well
> on whole track for R3X internship. Having read and understood TROM well
> enough,
> I went to the inception of the To Know Matrix and resolved my headaches
> enough to
> continue Solo to resolution of headaches.
> I have taken on 2 other than my self to help and get up to speed on TROM.
> Understanding increases with times over the material, and when others
> ask you questions, and of course just doing TROM.
> I type slow, and am going to be busy auditing others and myself, but
> thought it time to contribute to the list, and I may have questions and
> maybe a helpful viewpoint or 2.
> Keep on TROMIN
> Ralph
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