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Thanks Slim.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 10:45 AM, SPE <slimspersonalem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
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> Communication............
> The act of complementary postulates.
> You can say one thing while postulating another and the person at the
> receipt point will not understand you.
> You can tell another your phone number loud and clear so it can be easily
> understood and received. But if you are postulating something other than
> your phone number at the same moment , they will not hear the complete
> phone number EVERY TIME.
> The sounds of the phone number being spoken to another without the
> postulate that goes with it is not enough.
> It's ALWAYS the postulate that communicates . Never just the sounds alone.
> Makes no difference if your listening to a recorded communication. The
> postulate gets recorded in the past universe with it and you'll hear it
> just as if it were live communication.
> We can all communicate without the sounds if the receipt is willing to
> receive it. Most aren't ,  but many are and do.
> Get through levels 1-4 ASAP . Don't wallow in them. Do the drills and know
> you can do them and move onto level five ASAP. Levels two through four are
> of no real no benefit on there own without doing level five. Relatively
> speaking that is. Useless without level five . You'll be able to keep  the
> past away but it will crop back up sooner or latter and you'll spend the
> rest of your days putting it back out . Not so with level five. You'll be
> destroying solid matter and it will never crop back up . Once it's gone
> it's gone for good.  The hard core of the mind is as hard core as anything
> this universe.
> It's gets harder and harder as you get closer to the core. Your power of
> postulate increases to the same degree that you get closer to the core. It
> has to in order to be able to time break it out of existence. They are two
> sides of the same coin. That's why we can't just start off on level five
> from the beginning. We need to flip the pancake as we go so to speak.
> The ability to run RI and create importances also goes hand in hand. The
> ability to create must be used and increased as you take the mind apart as
> well. But eventually it won't be needed. The postulates that time breaks
> the hardcore mind is important enough to satisfy the loss.
> Quote  from the games manual.
> I offer you a route out. There may well be other routes out; if there are
> I know not of them after many lifetimes of searching. The fortuitous
> combination of games matrix and circumstances that permitted me to discover
> this route at this time may not ever happen to me again; and others too
> could easily overlook it. So don’t lose this data, for it may be many
> lifetimes before you come across it again - if you ever do.
> The data is quite free. I only ask two things:
> 1)You use the data.2)When you duplicate the data, you duplicate it
> exactly. Not because I am enamored with my prose style, but because altered
> it could very easily become just another trap in a universe already
> abundantly endowed with them.
> end quote
> Have a nice day :  )
> Slim
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