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Over the last several days there have been posts about a postulate having mass. I disagree with that and have written the following. I hope this is not seen as my buttons getting pushed or my efforting to make someone wrong. This is done with the consideration that our communications need to be fully understood at the receipt points in order for those communications to communicate. There cannot be two or more definitions for words that we all use otherwise, there would really be no communication but each simply deciding what they thought and not what someone has said to them.

I leave it for anyone who wishes to review what I see and take it or leave it. It is entirely up to each and everyone. My only desire is that we better communicate to each other. That we actually get what the other person has said.

If a postulate is made of mass, it can and will exist in the MEST Universe. Is it then not true that because postulates have mass that they will not exist in the Theta/spiritual universe?

The Theta/spiritual universe is not physical and is not composed of MEST. It then consists of ideas, thoughts, concepts and of course spirits, Thetans. It does not decay or change because of time. There is no time in the spiritual universe for there is no space, no distances to traverse, no speeds to be measured. And of course without any of those things, energy would not exist in the Theta/ spiritual universe for there is no action either and simply no need for energy.

With no physical space in the spiritual/Theta universe where would there be any mass in the spiritual/Theta universe? Where could it reside? Where could it occupy a corner? Is it not true that there is no 'where' in the spiritual/Theta universe? Can the spiritual/ Theta universe be located? Can it be pointed to? Does mass exist in the pure Theta/spiritual universe?

If there was only a spiritual/Theta universe and no MEST Universe, would there then be no postulates if postulates have mass. If postulates had mass could they then only exist if there were a physical universe? Would they then never exist if there were only the spiritual/Theta universe, no MEST Universe?

If postulates were made of mass, would spirits/Thetans not need a physical universe in order to postulate?

Here is the definition out of the Tech Dictionary of Scn. Postulate: 1) A self created truth would be simply the consideration generated by self. Well, we just borrow the word, which is in seldom use in the English language, we call that [a] postulate. And we mean by postulate, self-created truth. He posts something. He puts something up and that's what a postulate is. 2) a postulate is, of course, that thing which is a directed desire or order, or inhibition or enforcement, on the part of the individual in the form of an idea, 3) that self-determined thought which starts, stops or changes past, present or future efforts. 4) is actually a prediction. As a verb: 1) in Scn the word postulate means to cause a thinkingness or consideration. It is a specially applied word and is defined as causative thinkingness. 2) to conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern [a conclusion, decision or problem] of the past. 3) to generate or 'thunk' a concept. A postulate infers conditions and actions rather than just plain thinks [thinking]. It has a dynamic connotation.

The brackets, [ ], are my personal changes with the idea that communication is improvedsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Paul/Level 5 in progress

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