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On Aug 19, 2012, at 5:00 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

Hi Paul - this was an answer I placed on the Ivy list - which you could
consider joining.

I have been asked by Ant several times but every time I looked at the blogs there was a bunch of anti Scn stuff. Not that such is a negative for me. It just that I didn't see anything where any Tech of anybody was being discussed or put forward. That is where my interest lies.

I answered the following thread about Buddhism which I have studied a
bit but rejected: I would appreciate your and other Trommer's comments.

Ivy - lister:
I am not a buddhist, but sadly remain emeshed in the scientology
mindfuck. I explore buddhism to give myself perspective, and the
advantage of another model for consideration.

Thanks for replying,

I recently discovered translations of "The dead sea scrolls" - and found
them very interesting. beautiful and wise sayings

Have you read "Gods of Eden" by William Bramley? He speaks about
"Maverick" religions becoming Custodial religions.

The only method I have come across in which the mind can be dismantled
is by using TROM by Dennis Stephens.

Stephens addresses the mind and not peripheral phenomena or subjects -
such as dynamics, ethics conditions and related "How to audit pc's."

These subjects are important however. They are tools which help one have freedom over mechanisms which are part of keeping one in traps. They are not the traps themselves but periphery mechanisms. I will say more on that below.

Those subjects are probably very important ones and one possibly needs
to have some modus operandi in life but they do not address the mind's
command power.

True. Encompassed in these subjects are however some of the many tools that facilitate traps.

Once one starts using the method - or by just reading TROM one starts on
a journey of freeing oneself from the command power of the mind.

Yes, this is true. Dennis however did not fully address all of the mechanisms the mind has at its command to entrap. Let me be more specific. I posted the fact that I used Dennis' Tech and put together postulate failure charts on Be Do Have. I offer those charts for those interested. I will just take up one.

Have is a very insidious package of postulates. One must have complete freedom of Havingness as part of going Clear and Free. A statement that makes this easy to see is ... One can only have what they don't have and likewise one can only not want what they already have. So automatically one is not having what they don't have and not wanting what they do have. Pure logic. When one gets to the ability to have what they don't have and not have what they do have without having to automatically duplicate a particular havingness in the MEST Universe, then one will have freedom from having to have or not having what one has.

At first all of this may sound non-sequitur and confusing but by processing or just logically going over the trap that is presented thru the MEST Universe through havingness one can achieve Freedom of Havingness. It is a really big step and one that eliminates one of the control/trapping mechanisms of the mind. For the bottom line is the mind will never have or not have. But, through the identity (Be) and the doingness (Do) of the identity, one gets locked into a particular pattern specifically for themselves of what they can have and what they cannot or do not wish to have. The MEST Universe with its distances and separations enforces and amplifies that havingness component. Through this mechanism one can also be taught lessons of how un-OT, un-Clear they are.

The ability to Love as in Sedona and in the meditation of Tom Campbell is a method of handling this.

When one goes thru the Postulate Failure Chart of Be Do Have, they are not working against an opponent other than that which the mind throws up in order to obfuscate and keep the battle going by providing another terminal (which actually doesn't exist other than in the mind). It is actually a mock battle, fully set up to make things seem important, real and solid. It's kind of funny as only one postulate is necessary to keep this battle in place. There is no opposing terminal and no opposing postulate. A neat trick if you look at it and dissect it. It's one playing a joke on themselves without the need for anyone else to participate.

As a real-time example, just recall or look around for something you or someone else just absolutely must have or absolutely must not have and look at all of the effort/actions you or they take up to enforce a particular havingness. This can be going on whether or not there is anyone else around. An opponent is not a necessity. Sadly, only the mind is a necessity.

Break it!  TimeBreak it out.

I, too, have been enamored with some very beautiful things in Buddhism,
Catholicism, Hinduism and even in the Quran.

I have now concluded that the beautiful things are attractants to that
very hidden "implant station" which is one's own mind.

Keep in mind 'who' is defining beautiful. As in above, who and what is defining one's havingness.

It's not religion or politics which implants one. It's the command power
of one's own mind. External influences may trigger those hidden
postulates - within the mind - but when there is nothing to trigger,
there is no effect.

Yes, any Clearing is the process of eliminating that command power. That command power and in fact the mind itself being ones' self created entity and power over one's self.

Most of the meditative philosophies try to discard the metaphorical mind completely because they think they have discovered the so called source of their disabilities and aberrations and so they attempt getting rid of all thought and sit thinking "I must not think"which is nigh impossible!

I will start off by saying that ... yes, it is the source and yes it is that which one has put there and given it power over oneself. For myself I see eastern meditation as means to come into recognition of the mind and what it is doing, a recognition which then places it as an entity unto itself. An entity that can be watched and observed and with enough of this, then have some ability to not be influenced by it or totally at its command. It does not resolve or eliminate the mind. It is a very good method of coming to the ability to confront the mind and what it is. It is not eliminated or resolved. I dare say that one may not necessarily carry that ability with them, between lives but it is not an impossibility.

And, not thinking is an impossibility as the Theta/spirit's only doingness is that at a very high level. There are two distinct types of thinking and one must know the difference and at some point in the future always be able to know which they are doing. This is a broad subject too and one that I will not be going into here.

Hubbard was aware of this trap and disparaged hypnotism and forbade

Yes and I have done both and been successful at both. That success led me directly to the reasons why they should not be done. However, I am meditating now with the intention and purpose to fully exteriorize from the physical universe. It is the meditation of OOBE, remote viewing, traveling and interfacing within the Theta/ spiritual/consciousness only universe. That same meditation that is mentioned by Tom Campbell. (I wish there was more description. If you know of any, please let me know)

In studying TROM, one will discover that the mind is set in such a
fashion that any attempt to create an effect upon the mind (Must be
known) will cause it to resist the effect - The mind sets up a (Mustn't

The same mechanism I discussed above with Be Do Have.

The greater the attempt to create an effect upon it the more resistive
it becomes.

Any attempt to withdraw from the mind (Mustn't be known) will cause the
mind to seemingly pursue the being (Must know). Hence, the well known
feeling of being 'stuck with' ones' own mind.

So possibly you can now see why meditation becomes a futile exercise.

That and other reasons too which I will not go into here. There are many and it is not necessary to even know one of them or any one of them.

Discovering other realms using "Astral projection" in various degrees or
"Remote viewing" may be very entertaining and exciting BUT - until one
has rid oneself of the command power of the mind one will never be
certain whether one is having a solipsistic experience or hallucination.

I totally agree and the meditation I have mentioned is not to be delved into until after Level 5 or somewhere within the midst of doing Level 5 but that somewhere is not definable at this time.

Phew!!, I've written more than I initially intended - Forgive my
garrulousness and sententiousness if I have offered what you already know.


I thoroughly enjoyed it and it gave me a platform to convey that which I have discovered and know. I started my discovery trek at the age of 3 but must admit that I took some time off over periods here and there, getting to where I am now. Going thru puberty and becoming an adult was a big area of lost search and discovery time.

Paul/Level 5 in progress
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