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On Aug 19, 2012, at 5:00 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

Wow Paul - You could write your own MBT.

Funny you wrote that comment. I have not been thinking of writing my own MBT but I wanted to explain more about it which was left out. I will do some of that below.

Thanks for the review - my considerations interspersed below:

On 16 Aug 2012 16:59, Paul Tipon wrote:
I don't know how much of Tom Campbell's, MBT you have read. I have
read the entire book. I found it quite interesting and true. I also
found it validating many of the things LRH has said and likewise the
other way around too. I don't see that there were any contrary or
opposing viewpoints from either theory.

It was the most difficult book I've ever read. I couldn't get away from the Scio premise of originally being "Super beings" now trapped in MEST.

Yes it is difficult because Tom writes strictly from a scientific viewpoint.

Secondly, you must interpret the data you do get. (e.g., that data
available in the database on our history thread or some part thereof
depending on the completeness of the query) Your interpretation is
limited by your fear, ignorance, ego, knowledge of the possibilities,
understanding, expectations and beliefs.

Yes and by whatever old postulates you have buried in your mind.

Yes, at the beginning, early stage, one is basically a solipsist. Then as one becomes aware and learned, he can add in his own subroutines and become not so much a solipsist but still a solipsist, a self customized solipsist if you will. Not until one discovers that there is something that can be called free-will does one start to move out of solipsism. A further outward move would be to go up against the psi uncertainty principal and the rule-set of the physical universe. The next step would be out of the box but only at certain surfaces. One is truly in control of the environment in and around himself but not free from it at will as yet. That last stage would be to live in both the physical and non-physical universe simultaneously and at will or just one of the two exclusively.

Now I never would but I guess there are those who would choose to live exclusively in the physical. Take solipsists for example. Now further on my original intent herein.

One big factor that Tom has left out is the fact that people don't read 1's and 0's code. The data may be derived, stored and put forth in digital code but the physical universe and consideration does not occur at that level. The physical universe and thinking are done in analog. Also probability is of the analog set of data not 1's and 0's. If that were true, everything would be down to 50% probability ... Is it a 1 or a 0. So probability is against one analog against another.

Analogs are integrations of data or data points. Any and all waves can be characterized by different mathematical series and a conglomeration of several mathematical series. What changes in those series are events of 1's and 0's at different times/intervals and of course the whole series expansion can be turned off or on. A 1 or a 0 all by themselves have no information by their individual selves. Off or on all by itself is just that and nothing else.

So the bare minimum usable data is in analog form. Language itself is analog for it introduces degree of off and on and on top of that can combine several things and degree of things as communication.

I hope this is of some help. As we continue with our comm, we can further get into this.

In a sense, one's imagination could approximate probable data. One
would just have to keep in mind that the imagined data has
probabilities, having not been actualized and that the probability can be very high to very low as well as being conformed to the rule- set of
the particular PMR into which that imagined data would be processed
against. Then too, who is to say that a skilled imagination couldn?t
predict what will be found to be true in the future. Or, who is to say that one is not actually getting the probability data and then calling it imagination.] (the foregoing bracketed thoughts are entirely my own)

Which is why I will continue with TROM - I would like greater certainty
that what I perceive is not just projected illusion.

But I must say ... it actually is (projected illusion) but in analog form. We do live in a virtual environment, the physical universe. As one inspects anything down to the smallest of particles, one must, due to the nature of things arrive at probabilities. Even in a large sense whether you or I will get up at 7am tomorrow is a probability that gets modified by events all the way up to the event of waking up at 7am. But then .... did you wake up because of the previous pertinent events or did you just decide to wake up?

It's an interesting game, life is. In the end, even if one did wake up due mostly to the events leading up to and prior to waking up at 7am, one still had the option to not wake up at all. That is free- will, the free will of the being, that being, being the consciousness, the Thetan, the soul. The Prime Mover as I like to use at times.

As a side note, the foregoing scenario is also the reason that Tom says, 'One must live graciously with randomity'. The only way out of randomity is for all Prime Movers to agree, just like in Arslycus. But, that gets pretty boring and prone for someone if not many ones to rebel and make a change ... just for the hellavit. In a game or land of no randomity any randomity is King.



After my previous post to TROM, I wanted to ask you if you knew of any information about the type of meditation that Tom and Robert Monroe talk about.

Classic Eastern Meditation is towards mindfulness and the ability to extract oneself from the mind and its control. It is not permanent or complete and one throughout one's life is constantly learning but never arriving at or beyond learned.
Paul/Level 5 in progress
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