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Yes, they all function by the combination and interplay of antagonistic energies. In the same way that the human body functions by the combination and interplay of antagonistic energies, without which it would not be able to function homeostatically and thus would not survive. I don't think that either of these are so much 'cobbled together' as operating as a physical/psychic /incarnation/ through which a being can exert infinite agency.

This incarnation-- the body is simply energy operating at a certain desnity/frequency/rate of change as well, dependent for its survival upon certain and very precise energetic relationships in the physical environment around it-- can't be deconstructed by use of TROM. You cannot change these relationships. Not whilst remaining at all functional in this incarnation, at least. You can experience beyond them, as a being, but they are as much a part of the physical form you now live through as is breathing.

With regards to antecedents, I was discussing attempts to formulate something that fulfilled the same function that TROM does in raising a person out of psychic imprisonment and latter-day degeneration. One such attempt was that of Austin Osman Spare, a Victorian artist and (antagonistic) associate of Crowley's. Spare actually gives a far superior account of aspects of enlightenment and the cycle of existence than Dennis does. But that's not necessarily a benefit. Dennis gives you the means and lets you find out for yourself. I personally found Spare's work three years before I found Dennis', and spent much of that time wallowing in the mire that results from trying to use Spare's inferior techniques. How could he have a superior account but inferior techniques? He was an artist born into genius, to put it simply. He didn't have to fight to get where Dennis got, and so it was less stable, but he had a way with words and images that Dennis did not. The states just came to him-- very often-- and his frustration at being unable to formulate them festered, later in his life when traumatic experiences and neurological damage in WW2 shook him out of it, into a kind of overwhelming hatred of human stupidity.

Perhaps I'm not selling him too well. But his account can be very useful in identifying the states of consciousness that TROM aims for /without/ the /incarnational /concepts and biases with which /one/ writer-- Dennis, if he's your only reliable source-- inevitably clothes their representation. Dennis clothes the concepts in what Pod'Lair call 'Faux Zen'. He acts as though beings were /in error/ for wanting the experiential teachings and infinity of games play in the first place. As though the universe were some grand /fallen/ mistake. In a sense it is /fallen/, but another perspective is possible and ecstatic. And the fundamental /knowledge/ of TROM /implies nothing/ in terms of what choice a being must make upon its basis. Dennis says that 'you will choose' not to play games altogether. That's simply not true. Many beings with the same knowledge have made a different choice, and Dennis is simply succumbing to the biases of his particular /incarnational psychological strategies./ Work like Spare's is one finger pointing at this moon, and will also help ex-ronbots to shed their cult baggage, and begin to approach TROM from a much more useful angle.

I'll make a fuller post about him soon, but here are a few indicative quotes with my corresponding explanations. I've tried to explain them because Spare's language can seem very strange at first, and I'd prefer that y'all didn't have to go through the tedious process of getting to grips with it that I had to:

Chapter 1, 'The Effort of Remembering in the Valley of Fear', The Focus of Life:

'*I bring a sword that contains its own medicine: the sour milk that cureth the body. Prepare to meed God, the omnifarious believing-- /THYSELF THE LIVING TRUTH/.*/*
/[Function: THYSELF THE LIVING TRUTH is /you/ without the degenerated labyrinth of postulates that most beings treat as superior and more real to their very beingness. To the desires which most beings lose themselves and pilfer their energy in the pursuit of.]
/*Die not to spare, but that the world may perish. *

[Function: this literally means die to the world not to be like to him, but so that your world will truly die and be reborn. 'To spare' should be taken as meaning to try to be him. Almost nobody gets this when they read it. It's basically the most compassionate possible attitude an enlightened being can take. One that Hubbard did not take, and that Stephens tried to take but only did so partially. Many choose to /enslave/ others for amusement. Enlightenment does not necessarily mean compassion. That is the terrifying truth of the matter.]

*Nature is more atrocious. Learning all things from /Thee/ in the most sinister way for representation: from thy thought to become thereafter.*

[Function: here you have to bear in mind that Spare often takes a kind of /anatman/-- no soul, or Buddhist-- type perspective in his writings. This is because of the theosophical milleu which he moved in before enlightening himself out of it. Stephens, on the other hand, tends to speak in /atman/, reincarnational terms. But if you read both carefully, you will see that Spare actually assumes reincarnation most of the time and that Stephens also has hints of 'the universe falling into, at games with, itself' type perspective which Spare is taking here. Spare is saying that /being/ is experiencing infinity through your games play, that your genuine self is learning from your suffering, and that this is sinister for /you/ as a fallen and suffering, unenlightened being].

*Having suffered pleasure and pain, gladly dost thou deny the things of existence for freedom from desire-- from this sorry mess of inquality-- once so desired.

And is fear of desire. The addition to the 'I' of a greater illusion.

Desire _/is/_* *the conception I and induces Thou.

*[Function: this is totally equivalent to Dennis' statement that games conditions generate space and time, whilst no games voids them].

*There is neither thou nor I nor a third person-- loosing this consciousness by unity of I and Self; there would be no limit to consciousness in sexuality.

Isolation in ecstasy, the final inducement, is enough-- But, procreate thou alone!*

[Function: this is simply the state in which there is no other, no division, which lies beyond imprisonment in conflicting postulates. Note that a physical being /still depends/ upon systems of conflicting postulates in so far as it uses its physical and psychic incarnation].

*Speak not to serve but to scoff. Hearest though, heaven's loud guffaw?

*[Function: scoff at all belief/righteousness/authority/imprisonment. Spare takes a Crowley-like, Thelemic /Satanic/ type approach to mysticism. Where all weakness and suffering should merely be laughed at and transcended, and every constraint upon a being or moralisation over him treated with utmost contempt. In this regard he actually attempts to grant an /individual /being more freedom than does Stephens, who deliberately wove /lies/ into TROM in order to constrict those who used it, and protect people generally. These lies are exemplified in the tape 'The Philosophy of TROM'.]

*Directly the mouth opens it speaks /righteousness/.

*[Function: This implies that almost all speech is used in service of games, which inherently involve the evaluation of one thing as superior to others, and the fear that causes beings to imprison themselves within these superiorities and denigrate other importances. Observe people-- no matter how righteous they seem, this is so. In fact, the least righteous seeming are often the most viciously righteous and afraid. The ones who need to be right and seem good the most.]

*In the ecstatic laughter of men I hear their volition towards release.

How can I speak that for which I have necessitated silence?

*[Function: Spare is acknowledging the seeming contradiction in stating these truths and then entering into the labyrinth of righteousness and importances to attempt to enlilghten those lost within it. This is the difficulty of the Boddhisatva.]

*Of what use are hints or stage whispers?

True wisdom cannot be expressed by articulate sounds.

The language of fools-- is words.

In the labyrinth of the alphabet the truth is hidden.

It is one thing repeated many times.

Confined within the limits of rationalism; no guess has yet answered.

O Zos, thou art fallen into the involuntary accident of birth and rebirth into the incarnating ideas of women.

*[Function: Spare takes the deliberately provocative path of using 'women' as a synonym for 'belief' or 'games'. This is because 'women' really are, to many men, the primary game, and the one other games are subservient to. And also, in evolutionary terms, the genesis or focal point of many male and societal games. Many women survive by manipulating men in this way and keeping them locked in psychic imprisonment. This is no slur against women as beings-- just against this social dynamic and the roles within it.]

*A partial sexuality entangled in the morass of sensual law.

On earth the circle was fabricated.

The origin of /all/ things is the complex self. how shall it be made the end of all things?

*[Function notes: 'Zos' is a word for the complex self, 'Kia' for the inconceivable all from which it arises. I didn't include it above, but the subtitle of this chapter is '*Kia of the effigies speaks of Zos /in soliloquy'/*].

*Dubious of all things by increase, and ignorance of individuality.*

[Function: that is-- it shall be made the end of all things by being dubious of all intentions to /increase /one thing or another. That is, by all postulates and valuations. And by ignorance of the individuality which these postulates/desires creates].

*I or Self, in conflict, separate.

*[Function: when I or Self are in any form of /credulous /conflict or games, they separate. And the I attempts to regain Self-- Eden-- by its fallen ideas/beliefs].

*This forgetfulness of symboli becomes the unexplored 'reason' of existence.

*[Function: reason=postulate/games.]

*Unable to conceive the events of the present: what shall be knowledge of past and future? Verily, the creator speaks 'I know not what I do'.

*[Function: you are what has fallen, and in being fallen you know not what you do. You are Zos and its degenerate incarnation into 'ideas of women'.]

*And in this living nightmare, where /all /is cannibalism. Why dost thou deny thyself? Verily, Man resembles his creator, in that he consumes himself in much filth.

*[/All/ is cannibalism both in that every particular thing you encounter with the fallen/gamed universe of space and time is an example of cannibalism, and in that the /all/ itself becomes cannibalism by so falling. The /all /being-- *YOU. *'THYSELF THE LIVING TRUTH'.]

*Heaven gives indiscriminately of its superabundance to make the ghastly struggle called existence.

The necessity was a deliberate serving of its own pleasure-- becoming more alien. Remoteness from self is pain and precocious creation.

*[You'll readily see that this is what Dennis was saying-- only said better. And it is this ability to say things better, to be more fluid with the knowledge, that allows Spare also to talk of /other ways of using it/ than the imprisoning ones that Dennis adhered to.]

*Through this remoteness from Self-- thou dost not hear thine own call to be potentially Thyself. The living Self does not habitate.

*[That is, *Zos* does not inhabit the incarnation. Or the Thetan does not inhabit. The person is not an Operating Thetan, and is lost within the forgetfulness of the incarnate. This is precisely equivalent to Plato's concept of anamnesis-- that most beings forget, and only the enlightened remember the eternity and True Form of existence. These ideas *are not new.*]

*There is no truth in thy wish. Pleasure wearies of thee.

*[That is: the wishes of games are not true wishes, and the only true wish of any game is for pleasure. Most beings can't admit this, and get lost in the game and thus /lost to pleasure/.]

*Ecstatic fulfilment in ecstasy, is it asking too much?

Alas, the smallness of man's desire!

*[Games desires are actually pathetically small. People can't admit how much they really want, living in total fear and consolidating themselves to petty, small wishes by which they believe they'll achieve completion and the end to the fractious suffering of games.]

*Thou too shalt suffer all things once again: unimagined sensations, and so consume the whole world.

O Zos, thous shalt live in millions of forms and every conceivable thing shall happen unto Thee.

Remember these senses are that which thou hast desired.

What is all thought but a morality of the senses that has become sex?

What is desired of the Self is given-- eventually.

The /desire/ is sufficient. The 'Self', /will/ pleasure in all things.

There is only on sense-- the sexual. There is only one desire-- procreation.

*[This links with Spare's use of the word 'women' as a synonym for games condition. All games are for pleasure, and completion is attributed to success in them. All games are the Self playing with itself, and it will experience /all/ games in infinite existences.]

*I am the cause-- Thou the effect.

I am all that I conceive. Not for all time but at some time.

'I multiply I' is creation: The sexual infinity.

There is no end to the details of my extreme likeness.

The more chaotic-- the more complete am I.

The soul is the ancestral animals. The body is their knowledge.

The omnivorous soul, how lusty: it would seem everlasting in its suicide.

These modified sexualities are the index of knowledge; this realized; the dualties do not obstruct with associations that involve infinite complexities and much education.

*[Spare is here saying that games-- which he calls, and which are, modified sexualities, or ideas about 'women' and how to attain and keep her-- are all complex and dual. This is the set-up for his later description of his own '*unmodified sexuality*', which is the *'realization'* that all is for pleasure. This realization voids games and frees the being from entrapment in conflicting postulates. TROM is a means to achieve the *unmodified sexuality/,/*//and Dennis' lies are false attempt to *modify* it into particularity once again. To constrain what Spare presents in an unonstrained manner.]

*Existence is a continuation of self-realization. To create value where there is none. By all desire being /one/ there is no overlapping nor the later necessity of undesiring. COplex desire is the further creation of different desire, no the realisation of a (particular) desire.

*[Anidote to the degeneration into lowered abilities generated by gamed entrapment in conflicting postulates.]

*O Zos, Thous shall die of extreme youth! Death is a disease of fear.

*[Only the incarnate-- the desirous, the fearful-- can die. Self is immortal.]

*All is backward walking-- realized incapacity of volition: To walk towards thyself.

With thine infinite self multiplication of associations Thous knowest all things.

Among sentient creatures human birth is highly desirable, man desires emancipation-- liberation to his primeval self.

Remember! Dist thou leave the high estate for worse things?

Man becomes what he relapses into.

Cast into demoniacal moulds, human nature is the worst possible nature.

The degenerate need women, dispense with that part of thyself.

Give unto her all thy weakness, it is the suffering half.

Pain awaits him, who is sentimentally desirous.

Be it thus: 'Woman, there shall be no vintage from our kisses'.

In man and woman is they 'being'. But I say, Thou could'st create this body anew.

*[Your being is entrapped in games-- the modified sexuality-- but it could achieve the unmodified sexuality of *pleasure alone*.]

*Awake! The time has come for the new sexualities!

Then would the occasion be for greater pleasures.

To improve the species ye men must love one another.

*[This, funnily enough, is Spare's version of the homoeroticism which has been historically prevalent amongst philsophers and the highly spiritual. Just in case you're wondering whether I'm trying to justify my own sexual orientation, I'm not homosexual, and neither was Spare. It's simply a trend which is there. Val Valerian is an interesting extreme and modern example of this, inspired by Scientology.]
The old illusion of righetousness has gained a future state wherein men labour every doubt.

Thou art that which thous dost prefer. The seer, the instrument of seing, of the seen.

Conscious desire is the negation of possession: the procrastination of reality.

Make they desire subconscious; the organic is creative impulse to will.

*[Here we see the start of Spare's error. He gets lost in-- and his methods involve-- labyrinthine ideas about the subconscious and the conscious and manipulating their relationship. This was his answer to having this knowledge without /trying/ to attain it. Most men are not so fortunate. The catch is that, as a method, it's practically guaranteed to get a person into the most hellish possible games condition with his own mind. I've seen some real broken freaks out there who started out on Spare's work as men with potential. People end up doing bizarre things like having their mind mock up this hyper-sensitive imitation of the body, and then get lost in attributing their troubles to the various infinitely complex physiological relationships going on in their body. It's goddamn sad to see.]

*Beware of desire. Let it be something that implies nothing but itself.

There are no differences-- only degrees of sensation.

Provoke consciusness in touch, ecstasy in vision.

Let they highest virtue be: 'Insatiety of desire, brave self-indulgence and primeval sexualism'.

*[Here we see the start of Spare's real divergence from Dennis. He talks about burning through the world in ecstasy. About reveling in the external stimulation that pure postulates can provide...]

*Realization is not by the mere utterance of the words 'I am I' nor by self-abuse, but by the living act.

*[Most seekers get lost in conscious will, which inevitably fails. It is games condition mocking up images of enlightenment and getting into games with them.]

*If the desire for realization exists in thee, sensuous objects will continually provide conveniences.

Realization of this Self, which is all pleasure at will, is by consciousness of one thing in belief. To be the same is the difficulty.

*[i.e. To remain the same amidst the illusion of apparent complexity and difference is the difficulty in achieving enlightenment. And any attempt to do it consciously, without simply having it, is poison. Funny thing is, Spare did not provide such a means, despite attempting to with his whole hellish 'conscious/unconscious' games-generator. Dennis does provide the means, but in a poisoned format that is only likely to be encountered by people whose minds have been wrecked by a cult designed to disempower them. Oh the fun fun fun a new seeker faces in this labyrinthe! This is why I have no patience for people like Pete who think TROM can just happily sit here behind a labyrinthe of Sci that most will never find their way through.]

*Thought is the negation of knowledge. Be thy business with action only. Purge thyself of belief: live like a tree walking!

Take no thought of good or evil Become self-active causality by Unity of thine, I and Self.

Reality exists but not in consciousness of such: this phenomenal 'I' is noumenal and neither-neither.

*[Don't worry about this. He goes into it in another chapter.]

*Now is concentration explained: 'The will, the desire, the belief; lived as inseperable, become realization.

*[Occultists, who read Spare, are very concerned with 'concentration'. Spare's explanation is that a lack of concentration is merely a symptom of the division of being involved in a games condition, and that attempts to 'train' concentration specifically by practice, which many do, are sheer folly.]

*Truth concerns exactitude of belief, not reality.

He who has no law is free. In all things there is no necessity.

*[Dennis tries to give a law of laws, so to speak. This is an assault upon the freedom of the individual being doing TROM in a misguided attempt to protect society.]

*Become weary of devising wisdom in morals.

*[That is: in importances.]

*Many unseemly words have been spoken in self slander *[all morality is self-slander]*, what more painful than that? For in the mud I tread on thee. The path men take from every side is mine.

There is nothing more to be said.

'I'-- infinite space.

*[Spare goes on to explicate on his way of using postulates for ecstasy in the world-- and other forms of what he calls 'magic', other ways of becoming I titanically powerful OT-- in later chapters. I may explain these in a later post.]

So. INFP. TROM might work very well for an INFP, or Xai'Nyy. I don't know. I cannot speak from experience upon that. But if there is an INFP with sufficient motivation to take this kind of path, then it well might. It's just that that doesn't /usually/ happen. Although it does happen /far /more often than with most other types. What you want to bear in mind though is that the fundamental compass by which a Xai'Nyy operates could be crippled and undermined by a misguided attempt to adhere to the total detachment Dennis implies is desirable. The total lack of external simulation needed. Xai'Nyy, who haven't been wrecked by trauma at least, work by resonating with what is healthful, what heals people, what is good and beneficial. And this enables them to protect and nurture the beings around them.

But-- is this INFP you? If you or anyone else on this board would like confirmation of their type, I can provide it. I need 10 mins of video for that. Not necessary. Just an offer. Most people get it wrong, and all existing paper tests and most typology experts are just incompetent. There are about 15 people in existence who can currently type a person correctly. The rest are well-meaning fools.

With regards to Dennis, I could type him form his materials alone-- it's as plain from them to anybody who gets the workings of the psyche as is black from white to anybody with eyes, and I've seen his type and how they write a few thousand times before-- but I actually verified that by astral projection. I observed him in person working a session.

Your daily dose of enlightenment!



On 26/08/2012 16:07, Colleen K. Peltomaa wrote:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

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Hello "Function", thank you for the possibly helpful data, including what is in your website and videos. I do sense all personality types are basically cobbled together non-complementary energies or postulates.

So, for a basic INFP type what would be the necessary antecendents to TROM in your view?

Did you also perceive Dennis from reading his manual and listening to his speech patterns in his lectures?


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