The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

On Aug 28, 2012, at 7:57 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

Hi Paul,

I agree with you completely. Please allow me to explain to you my
strategy on these matters, and my reason for it.

Interesting. For as I state later, you are actually able to see a purpose to my madness (if you will). I, myself could not see the purpose other than to challenge what they knew. Challenge it from the standpoint, was it really coming from their knowingness or was it simply a social/group communication tool. Or worst case, was it a ploy to show some kind of adherence to the group or 'Tech think' when they really had no idea of fully what they were saying and promoting. It, whatever it was, was not fully coming from them but more on a line ... they heard it somewhere and everyone seemed to agree, so it is/was the thing to say and use as one of the group. They were incapable of using the truth to find and discover more truths for themselves.

Here is another silly one I used to use. Upon greeting someone, I would say, Hi, did you bring your Thetan/spirit with you? That would really stun many of them.

When I signed onto this group, you'll notice I deliberately took a
highly confrontational and volatile stance. Most of what I said had some reason or justification to it, but that's besides the point. The simple
fact of the matter is that no matter how useful a system of
enlightenment, it has an inevitable tendency to /fall/ into particular
incarnational traps. Into the minds of those currently using it, or
their group culture, or the incidental ways in which the author
presented it. This might apply to those who speak within a group, or
only to confused and silent individuals reading and using the technology
alone, or it might come and go at different times within a social
context. Whatever-- knowledge of the mysteries degenerates unless it is
kept _*alive*_, and one way to keep it alive is to continually attack
and destabilise all that is not fundamental /whilst/ presenting the
fundamental and /clear/ technology.

Thus, it's not actually particularly relevant whether Dennis /really/
implied /that strongly/ that calm and non-investment was better. And
it's not even that relevant whether I'm accurately representing Dennis
or just using convincing rhetoric. It's not even relevant whether
Dennis' reputation is unfairly impinged upon, or whether I or anybody
else using this strategy loses or wins any argument or manages or fail
to convince on any point whilst using it. All of these things would
mislead within a non-enlightening context. In an enlightening context,
though, they serve to shake up as much of a /MEST-VESSEL /for the divine
knowledge as is possible whilst retaining that /VESSEL/'s continuity.
All lies in such a context are actually white lies, because they are
used to shake up the culture that comes to surround techniques which
enable freedom from any lies, and thus preserve and promote the
effective use of those techniques. Without this type of strategy,
/VESSEL/s tend to become corrupted and a new vessel has to be
constructed. The divine knowledge is always out there somewhere, and
beings acting as its guardians it are always using these strategies in
some form or another. Maybe not as group leaders, maybe not as the main
players, or maybe as those things-- but they are there.

The divine knowledge must shed its skins like a serpent in order to---
continue tempting mortals (the fallen) to return to Eden.

The name for this strategy is /Ordo Ab Chao/.

Interesting that there is such a strategy. In my 20+ yrs in Scn I would continuously use that strategy as it was a std tenet of my beingness, personality. I was always coming up with viewpoints/ statements of what LRH Tech was all about but so juxtapositioned that no one could have them. I wanted people to see that they were just being parrots and not really having truth for what it was and most importantly having it as their own. Scn is not the only venue where I would be such. I have been this way all my life.

Sadly, few could embrace it. Many fought it. All would to some degree leave me alone to live alone as none would seek me out for what I was. I was something foreign to the group, the society, the community, the colony. Not really a true dedicated (blind faith) member.

Do you have a link to Ordo Ab Chao. It sounds Chinese to me but not fully.

Thanks for the enlightenment about myself. Principally that is what my quest is all about. Who and what am I and what is all that I can see and know all about ... really. As I learn, I certainly learn truths. Typically new truths that are not stated wherefrom I have learned a truth but truths none the less and learned from other truths and other's enlightenments.

You are the first to have acknowledged and been able to acknowledge my personal path. For the first time, someone who has not ridged at what I do and take on an antagonist's stance. As hard as I have tried, few to none could have what I have to say.

I also acknowledge you.
Paul/Level 5 in progress
Trom mailing list

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