The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

> Binary meaning two . The law of duality in the games manual.
> Everything in it can be formulated into two. Know and not know.
> Men and women for example.
> Men , must know.
> Women, must be known
> And to get the sparks between the two simply go against one or the other .
> Women want to be known by men
> Men want to know women.
> Women take from men during sex
> Men give to women during sex
> If a woman resists a man for sex she is in opposition to his must know 
> postulate affinity is lessened. Affinity is created when she completes his to 
> know postulate
> If she accepts his with her must be known postulate. It's not an overwhelm 
> nessisarily.
> It's completing his postulate or he may be completing hers depending or who 
> the originator was. The overwhelm happens only when it's forced by the 
> originator, that's all.
> While the human apes genetic structure goes one way and the SB ( spiritual 
> being ) has it go in an opposing direction, sparks are generated.  Lesbians 
> and gays are very well versed with the sensations it creates.
> Our universe , ( 42nd street ) is located in a place . Just like the streets 
> on this planet are. It's based on life goals, complementary postulates but 
> held in suspension by conflicting goals.
> Let me show you how the emeter works without an emeter . How it feels to have 
> an FN.
> To be clean is a life goal. Get your hands dirty . Then go wash them. Then 
> have the thought how good it is to have clean hands. Everything lines up nice 
> and neat and complimentary wonderful . Do the same thing again but this time 
> have the thought of how bad it feels to have clean hands. It's a different 
> feeling . It's a crappy feeling.
> The good feeling of the two is the FN . If you were on an emeter it would be 
> showing an FN. 
> EVERYTHING in this universe is derived from only two basic postulates. Know 
> and not know. It's binary.  " I " know " 0 " not know. IO. it's numeric. 1 
> and not 1. O the absence of 1
> While I'm here in this universe I am the 1. When I'm not here,  I am not the 
> 1,  not 1. In no way 1 . No 1.  Can we be 1 and not 1 in this universe 
> simultaneously ? No . It violates the laws of this universe. 
> Card games are what most considered the game of chance depending onn how the 
> cards are delt after being shuffled. Yet one can get good at the game of 
> cards even if it's based on chance. Yes there's a strategy involved based on 
> the rules of the game you happen to be playing. 
> You can get good at the game of cards meaning you can have a better outcome 
> with the results after playing the same game over and over again. No matter 
> what cards your are delt. 
> Know the rules of this universe. Abide by them and practice practice practice 
> . You'll get so good with the results , you'll be amazed at how the outcome 
> will be .
> Do not find fault in life goals. TROM the games manual is a life goal 
> product. Find the things you understand about it and have the thought of how 
> good it feels . Do not dwell  on the things you do not understand about it.
> Stay out of and as far away from ALL non life goals in this universe. 
> Complement ALL life goals you see others create and create yourself. 
> Practice. Get good at it . Master it and be the very best at it that you can 
> be . 
> Decide ( postulate ) the things you want and you will have them if they are 
> life goals. Once you master and understand the true nature of this universe. 
> Fight against the life goals and your life will be miserable to the same 
> degree.
> Don't fight the non life goals either . Two non life goals do not equal a 
> life goal. They equal two non life goals,  don't go there..
> Just do the best you can at AVOIDING  all non life goals you find. You'll get 
> good at that too. 
> In other words killing a man for killing another man are two non life goals. 
> It may seem to be a life goal but they are just two non life goals. 
> Punishment is a non life goal. Avoid the goal of punishment.
> Know the rules , master the rules, master the universe, get the things you 
> want . Increase your ability to postulate. 
> Row row row your boat gently DOWN the stream ( not against it up the stream ) 
> merrily merrily merrily merrily life ( in our binary universe ) is but a 
> dream . 
> ( Life as in the duration of your existence here , not as in life , the SB .) 
> Life the SB is the creator of all dreams. As the creator you have the control 
> of the outcome of any dream. It's your creation after all. 
> It's a dream you can control, master and have the outcome you desire. 
> Including the ability to come and go to and from this universe at will. It 
> will no longer be the trap it has become for so many who reside in it. 
> Have a nice day 
> Slim , the 1. 
Trom mailing list

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