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Hi Vladimir,

You are quite right in your analytical break down. There is the inferred but not stated beingness or viewpoint. When one does the command "Get the idea of being forced to be _(overwhelmed/enhanced) _", the person doing the command of course gets the idea of himself, the beingness, the viewpoint, the Thetan/spirit being enhanced. As mentioned, the auxiliary would be getting the idea of another being overwhelmed/enhanced.

In your final sentence you also correctly bring up the point that the command is also a doingness. There is a flow that occurs in the action of overwhelming/enhancing. You characterize this as a doingness and of course any action is composed of flows. No flows or zero flows of course is no action at all, no doingness.

By your comments, I also realized that the flows are composed of originated or received flows. In other words there is also the flow or command of 'Get the idea of being forced not to be _(overwhlemed/ enhanced)_'. Running these should be very productive in eliminating charge, all of those held in place postulates.

Now let me just use what Colleen is using, enhanced. It is interesting to note that using just this one term narrows down the possibilities greatly. Enhancing is a specific, only one type of action. If one does not use the non life goal of 'not enhancing', one is not going to run everything out for I am sure that there is not a single sole here or in the Universe who has not at some time or another not enhanced, forced to not enhance. And after all, Level 4 is overts, motivators and withholds. Then too as I mentioned, enhancing is a specific type of action and that in itself narrows everything down to just that one type of action. As an example, here's a good one that does not get picked up with enhance, 'forced to sex' or 'forced to eat'. Then too, how could one ever leave out 'forced to die' or even 'forced to live'. As you can see and as Dennis states, this can get pretty gruesome.

To me this is 'The' Level of all of the Levels. There is a specific cognition that comes from this Level and the ability gained is 'Freedom from Overwhelm', on all flows of course. To me, this is also the portal and threshold to OT which gets handled on Level 5. One will never go free or complete Level 5 if Level 4 is not done thoroughly and completely.

This is why I advocate using the "Conditions of Existence". That way one will cover everything that is there to handle without having to get into the degradation and swill of all of the 'life goals'. After all, using just 'to know' is only running the doingness and does not pick up the Have or Be in the 'Conditions'.

Although Dennis does not mention it at all, it is obvious to me and should be to everyone that there are definitely two classes of overts here. There is the effort, action, doingness to enhance through force and also to 'not enhance'. I therefore suggest that because of what is getting handled here, 'OVERWHELMS', that both the life goals and non life goals should be run on all 8 commands. The withhold package consists of overts and motivators.

Now I want to go to Dennis' exact command. It is "get the idea of forced to know". Now if another goal is used in the place of 'to know' such as 'enhance', then 'enhance' is used and the command becomes ... "get the idea of forced to enhance". I wanted to point this out because in earlier posts additional words were also interjected, i.e. "be enhanced". That is running a beingness or 'be' of Be Do Have. There is also the doingness of 'to enhance' along with the beingness of 'to be enhanced'.

In addition to this correction and clarification, I also want to point out why I feel that to completely get through Level 4, one must run all the components of the "Conditions of Existence". That is LRH's definition of Be Do Have. All conditions are composed of a beingness, a doingness and a havingness. By running all of the 'Conditions', one will be certain to run out all of the overwhelms and not miss any.

On Oct 18, 2012, at 5:00 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

These eight classes of overwhelm includes a beingness or viewpoint,. "Forced to know", "Preventing from being known", etc. is a space ( junior universe) where are located desirable or undesirable objects or effects ( dimension points). Any flows are direction for exchange of this dimension points. This exchange is doingness.Is this idea correct?


Paul/Level 5 in progress
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