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Hi all
In the TROM manual Dennis states the following:

"As a male, he soon starts to get opposed to females, and vice-versa. Very soon 
he is in a terrible state on the subject, for the two genders are not 
intrinsically in opposition to each other. </p>

You end up with a classic case of cross-packaging. We find the male desperately 
asserting his masculinity, while heavily suppressing any feminine 
characteristics in his personality, and vice-versa for the female. The whole 
subject soon takes on the quality of a nightmare, and becomes one big 
unsolvable problem. And it stays this way until the being regains his full 
freedom of choice to occupy, at will, any one of the four classes available to 
him on the subject". 

I am confused by the first sentence in the second paragraph. How is this a 
classic case of Cross-Packaging?  it is a classic case of compulsive games play 
but I don't see how it is cross packaging.

Anyone have an idea?

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