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Hi Brian
  One big missing point in the TROM manual is Dennis did not give a lot of 
examples of some of the things he was talking about.

What is in the mind? How do i recognize it and know what to Timebreak?
There are three kinds of goals packages:
The Life Goals which are the To Know goals package and the Junior goals 
packages Dennis provided.

The Non-life Goals To Hate or to Degrade etc which we avoid.

and the Cross Packages which is what the mind is composed of. 

At level 5 i will work with the postulates of the Life goals packages. 

Since Dennis made it very important to know and recognize a Life Goals Package 
by the relationship between its legs it then is equally important to know and 
recognize a the Non-Life Goals and the  Cross Packages so you will not try and 
run it at level 5.

If we develop skill at formulating and recognizing the three we will do better 
at level 5 of TROM.

So i am proposing that we use the goals package to formulate both Life and 
cross packaged goals and develop our ability to recognize their differences.

This is not a big exercise.  If i can just recognize that putting To Be Sexed 
in leg 4 requires that To Not Be Sex go in Leg 3 which is a non complementary 
postulate to Leg 1 To Sex proves this is a cross package and not usable is 

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