The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Many don't realize the true nature and laws of this universe.

For example. 

There is no past nor future outside of this universe. These things are within 
this universe. Other universes too but not necessarily .

 The past is the distance in one direction and the future is what extends in 
the other direction.

A stick has a past and future. So does a grain of salt. It's simply the 
duration in which it exists. 

I you leave this universe , create a thought and then return to this universe 
there will be no recollection of it . There are recollections we may have of 
other universes similar to this one but you'll need to go there ( put your 
attention there ) so to speak to recall them.  

This universe is made of two things . not three. A past and a future. The 
present is actually an illusion . As soon as a thing is created , it slips into 
the past and even  extends into the future depending on its creation. The 
present is what's in-between but it actually is just an illusion . As soon as 
it's known, it becomes a thing of the past. 

We can simultainiously consider ourself to be in and out of this universe but 
it's a little confusing. There is no time outside of this universe. Time is a 
consideration while operating within it or another universe similar to this one.

We can know anything that has happened or will happen in this  universe by 
operating in and outside of this universe simultainiously. 

If you leave this universe and know the future while outside of it you will not 
have a recollection when you return . The past only exists within this universe 
, not outside of it unless you enter another universe similar to this one .

There's nothing, no universal laws between universes. No past, no duality , no 
up no down , no know, no not know, etc . These are all things that exist while 
operating within this universe. There are no basic laws between universes 
unless you create them but even then , once you do, that consideration becomes 
a universe in it's own right of which you can simply walk away from forever.

So we can know the future while outside this universe but have no recollection 
when we return . Recollection is simply knowing the past of this universe. 
knowing the future is not unlike knowing the past . You just direct your 
attention in the other direction while being in and out of this universe 
simultainioulsy. There's certainly no law against that and once you fully 
understand that " loop hole " it ipso facto eliminates the basic law that 
governs this universe. You just create your way around it and the basic law  
it's gone by default in a way . Just as time breaking does. You just create 
your way out.  No harm , no foul, no non like goal. 

This universe is a life form as is this planet in the universe and  our bodies 
on this planet and the microscopic life on our bodies and so on. A life form 
need not be animated either. It can be as solid as a diamond. 

The one thing all life forms in this universe share is the law of duality. The 
laws of relativity are based on the laws of this universe . The universe is a 
creation. It's already been created as are the creations yet to come . The best 
you'll ever do is leave it. The second best is to leave it and remain in it 
simultaneously. One foot in and the other foot out. The universe will always be 
the same as its as finite as a grain of sand. 

If you snap the universe in half you still have the laws it was created with 
intact . But youll just have two of them separated by nothingness.

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