The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Ale
I searched the book 01 Insanity Point Lectures and came up with Dennis's 
Now a class is a group whose members all posses the same quality or qualities. 
I'll give it again, A class is a group whose members all posses the same 
quality or qualities. Example, Men are a class, you consider men as a class 
because they all posses the same quality or qualities. Black beings are a class 
a class of black beings they possess the quality of blackness and the quality 
of beings so they are black beings. So that's a class. There's a class of black 
beings and a class of men. They are examples of classes.
So that's what this mysterious word class means. These definitions I am giving 
you are pretty well standard definitions in the field of logic, so their 
scientific definitions... in the science of logic. I am sure if you were to 
refer to a logical text book you'd find a much more hairy definitions than I am 
giving you but they boil down to what I'm giving you. They're probably much 
more precise than the textbook definitions would be but these are good enough 
for us.

Common Class
Next, we have the definition of a common class. Now a common class is a class 
whose members all posses the qualities of two classes. Give it to you again. A 
common class is a class whose members all possess the qualities of two classes. 
An example of a common class would be black men. Each of the members of the 
class of black men would possess the qualities of black beings and of men. So 
they would be the common class of black beings and of men. So they become the 
class of black men, you follow. This is quite straight forward. The common class
Do you have the Kindle version of this book? or at least the PDF version i put 
up at tromhelp.com.  both are searchable with a word find function to will 
present you with all occurences of any word you want to find in the book in two 
Keep on TROMing

>From: ale <jago...@tiscali.it>
>To: trom@lists.newciv.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 3:57 AM
>Subject: [TROM1] lecture 10
>The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
>hi pete,
>I listen to all the insanity point lecture 1 , but I can't find a  
>definition of clases and common classes , as Dennis talks in  Insanity  
>Point Lecture 1.
>In this lecture at the 32.50 minute he says :
>Classes and Common Classes
>Now I’ve… on lecture 10 I’ve already explained this subject of classes  
>and common classes and so forth. I don’t have to go… give you that  
>material again. That’s already given on lecture 10, which is a  
>forerunner to this one, and a necessary prerequisite to this one. So  
>you have the subject of common classes. So you know what a common  
>class is. And so on.
>so how can I locate lecture 10 ?
>thank you very much,
>Trom mailing list
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