The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Leoncio,

I have not had time to look over any of your references to Scheinfeld's writing but I intend to. I have been very busy since I have moved and am helping my son through a very rough spot in his life. Slowly but surely he is coming around and seeing the truth from his surroundings. I do take some joy inasmuch as I have pointed out the lies and the truths and given him help in communicating what the lies and the truths are as I see them and allowing him to then discover for himself what the truths and the lies are.

Now on to your subject. I have made a comment below within your post. Since I have not reviewed Scheinfeld's work I don't know if he makes the statement or whether it is your interpretation from Scheinfeld's work. But I have added more to give a complete understanding of the win/lose dichotomy inherent in all games.

On Sep 28, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Leôncio Madruga wrote:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi trommer fellows

I just read the book “Busting Loose from the Money Game”. Startling!

The author is Robert Scheinfeld, who made a radical change (for better) in his life using his technology.

His message can be over-synthetized as follows:

1) We all are spiritual beings (with infinite power) who chose to have fun playing games in this life.

2) All the reality is a creation of us, as spiritual beings, just to play games.

3) To have fun it is fundamental to limit or restrict ourselves in the games.

4) All the games we play were designed in a way that we cannot win, but keep playing inside the trap.

5) The uncomfortable events we have are full of negative energy, which causes us stress, fear and trauma.

6) The negative energy of each uncomfortable event can be fully discharged using a specific technique.

7) This technique demands us to fully observe the event to fully understand it before dissipating his energy. It can be done in real time or remembering the event.

8) Each time we dissipate the energy of an event, our life enhances a little more.

9) After dissipating high doses of the negative energy of our events, our life will be much better and more limitless.

10) In this state of fewer restrictions the spirit remains playing in this life, but with much more pleasure.

11) If we dissipate all negative energy, we will live only with positive energy and comfortable events.

Interesting huh?

The author doesn’t say this (but could) if we dissipate all energy (negative and positive) we will remember that we are powerful spiritual beings, we will win all the games, and our life in Earth will lose its fun.

The 'winning of all games' is an impossibility. The physical universe is ultimately and finally a game of loss. First, any game must have the possibility and potential for loss or it is not a game. To have no loss is to have a situation where the outcome will always be a win. A game with only winning is a game that has been pre-determined or manipulated by a higher power, a power unable to be affected by the game and the rules of the game. That is not a game obviously and such a result is not a win. That is either a totally scripted scenario or a situation where the higher power can intervene completely with his own will, contrary to any and all rules of the game, if and when desired.

Ultimately the game of life and any and all games in the physical universe are a loss. One dies and all is lost. As one lives, he looses his infancy, his childhood,his puberty, his virginity on whatever subject, his possessions one by one all the way to the end when he then looses his life and with that all that he has or has had.

One however can be a success and can also have successes by degree but one will throughout one's life have losses too. Simply as a matter of growing up one looses many things as one proceeds thru life. Things wear out, pets die, clothing either gets too small or worn out or not in style as do members of one's family.

The only thing that one can gain and not loose is education, knowledge and understanding. But of course even these can be lost by one determining to make them 'lost'. RI can be put to use to put the importance of win/lose in its proper perspective. Create losses as well as wins until neither has an importance. Only having wins on RI is skewing importances just to one side of the dichotomy and unrealistic without being God of the physical universe. Only then will one be able to have or not have a game. Have or not have the physical universe. If you can't do it for yourself, see that others have particular wins and losses. Spread it around then change it around. If this seems too tough, one could run importances and Not- importances. What is important and what is Not-important. Both are created importances. One can learn from both and no one will have all losses or all wins. Don't just make it about yourself and always hope and strive to win at everything. Only Gods can achieve that and they don't have to try at all.

What I have said may have not been received well and I realize that but sometimes the truth is hard to bear when one has not been truthful with one's self and has been making one's self feel better or is making life more tolerable with half truths and white lies. The ultimate truth must be that one knows that he is a spirit and is willing to win or loose in the 'Game of Life' and then ultimately loose in the end. One should be able to embrace either winning or loosing for what they are, two extremes of a dichotomy, embrace them both as they are one in the same in that dichotomy. Find pleasure in having played the game, played it well and learned from the experience. One can do it again and do it better with a win or a loss at the end.

The ultimate learning and understanding of what one truly is, is a challenge that cannot be lost unless one wishes to do so or never takes up the challenge to find out. This is why I say that TROM is not the ultimate for it only gets one able to play or not play a game and in playing the game be more and more successful. Beyond Level 5 in TROM, there is an infinite body of study to know and understand what one truly is and TROM does not go into this education but puts one at the threshold of being able to fully embark on that endeavor.
In his history the author does not mention TROM or Dennis, but could.

The complete explanation of the model you can grab from the book and worth it by the metaphors, scientific explanations, techniques and the model itself.

Happy tromming


I hope to get to Scheinfeld's work this weekend.

Paul, keep TROMming

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