The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I enjoy the spirit of your communications Slim, very freeing and explorative, 
makes things feel very doable!

In seeking a reference/touchstone for the Sun explorations I remembered having 
an experience of massive intensity where I/my-body still apparently on earth in 
a fully waking state were fully penetrated by the sun, I was on the phone at 
the time. It was as if I was witnessing massive fissures in the earth which 
needed filling/balancing, my body was the sensory gauge to that process and my 
awareness was completing/doing the balancing somehow.

Anyways, I’ve not visited that intensity for a while, a sort of cellular 
sunburn feeling, neither pleasant nor unpleasant, just intense! 

I can definitely feel a shift putting my attention through the sun, a kind of 
refreshing fluidity, a greater stillness, not able to see much though, yet, 
will probably need greater exposure to get clearer perceptions, will persevere 
: )


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