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Hi Paul, 

I just read your interesting post . Thx for the perspective. 

A postulate is a causative consideration.  ( . Spiritual life ( you and me ) 
are the Cause.  ) 

A postulate is also known as a goal, a desire, a purpose and by definition even 
a statement like you've mentioned. 

A postulate is used to bring a thing into existence 

A postulate is used to take a thing out of existence 

A life goal is positive. It enhances life 

A non life goal is a negative. it detracts from life 

Complementary postulates are positive
Conflicting postulates are negative 

All effects in the universe are derived from a causative consideration. Both 
positive and negative.

Bringing anything into the universe and taking anything out of the universe are 
both effects.

Spiritual beings > postulates > effects 
Cause > desire > effect.

Effects can be positive or negative. 

It's a universe of duality and unity.  

Positive / negative
Good / bad
Happy  / sad 
Complement / oppose
Agree / disagree
Love / hate
Life / death ***
Help / hinder
Pleasure / pain
Free / trap
Create / destroy *** 

On the left you consistently have life goals 

On the right there are only the  non life goals. 

( *** these depend on the context of the effect ) it's ok to die and it's ok to 
destroy . These apparently non life goals are non life goals when in opposition 
, not opposite to their life goal.

If I want to live and you want me to die then yes, it's a non life goal.

If I create a thing and you destroy it in opposition to me then yes that's also 
a non life goal.

If I create a thing then destroy it , no problem. 
If I have a body and it dies as a natural event , no problem. 

It's no coincidence that all life goals have an opposite non life goal 
associated with them without exception.

The simplest solution is always the best solution. Less is better . It's a 
binary universe.

On level five we time break the effects not the postulates . We put the 
postulates up on level five and time break out the effects that show up. Makes 
no difference what the effects are why they were created when they were created 
or where they were created. 

The 8 classes of overwhelms are all that is possible in this universe without 

Once this pure form of logic is understood. It can be used as a model and 
compared to anything in this universe and resolved. 

It's a binary formula so to speak .

If there's an effect in this universe , it makes no difference what the effect 
is, it's in one of the 8 classes of overwhelm. No exceptions.

Get to know this logic and use it to resolve all the conflicts from other 
models. Ie Scientology tech . The COS never got this . They were closer to 
getting it than  as any other tech on the planet but Dennis cracked the code. 

For me , it just made sense to destroy the flawed models and even use the 
perfect model to destroy all the others. 

Anyways , this is how I'm seeing things these days .

Also want to add to my last post about TIME .

In order to have time there must by a thing to multiply.  1 TIMES 2 = 2
Or 1 two times = 2 same thing . 1 TIMES 1 = 1

It's a slippery illusion and used to widely in our societies I some many ways 
that it's become real when it's simple a consideration quantity of matter. 

 time is a quantity. 

Anyways , non of the theory above is very important . Not as important as 
actually using the practical sections 1 thru 5 . In some ways for many who 
don't understand the theory , it's best to just skip it and use the practical 
section of the games manual only. 

The theory will become easier to understand as one becomes more aware . One 
becomes more aware by actually using the practical section. Understanding the 
theory and practical sections is not by far enough do get very far as a sole 
means to restore ones full spiritual ability. 

We need to actually address the effects that have lead to our inabilities. 


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