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There may well be some very high truths in TROM.

But there is no  bona fide  supporting evidence that such truth in TROM
really exists.

 Bonafide: means that there is  no evidence that is free of delusional
thinking, free of deceit and bullshit)

Any evidence there is does not  stand up to scrutiny.

If there are any high level truths in TROM they are embedded amongst a lot
of aberration and bullshit.

Dennis is the first evidence of his bullshit. He was still totally fucked
up until he died, at the relatively young age of 67.

The only reason I am here and trying to do TROM is to put it through the
scrutiny of the claims,  to see if any truths of any kind can be salvaged
or gleaned from the other wise heap of aberration and bullshit.

If there are indeed any truths amidst the bullshit, and the  truths
contained there in,  are indeed complete enough that they can be worked
into a practical gradient  and made into workable process to resolve my
case or others cases, so be it.

That would be an ideal case scenario.

Failing that,  I would be content to find some useful morsels and add them
to what ever else I could find,  to make a practical or doable solo process
to assist future initiates that may come along.

I would not be happy with myself,   if I did not do what ever I could,
that was within my means, to prevent others from going through the pain,
agony,  frustration,  and bullshit  that I have so far, experienced  with
TROM, since I began.

My first stab at TROM was when I bought the hard cover TROM  book  in about
98, from a fz magazine,  which after trying for three yrs to read it, and
understand it, I gave up and threw it in the dumpster.

I decided that the author lacked common sense, lacked good communication
skills,   was totally incoherent, incongruent,  irrational, unreasonable,
illogical and  insane.

What I really find disconcerting is that you and others on this list tend
to deify Dennis, and argue to defend his insanity.

It takes a  very feeble minded person to deify another human being,
especially an insane one.

Actually it takes a person with no mind at all to do that.

Because you have no mind, no common sense, no ability to reason and think
for yourself,

 no critical thinking skills,  no bullshit detector, not able able to
discern right from wrong, or have  a very poor ability to do so,

someone else can easily suck you  into adopting their aberrated mind and
take control of you.

That happens in all cult groups.


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Jurgen Kluft <jurgen_t...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
>  Hi David,
> Could not stop myself having to comment on this (must be known 😊)
> Logic dictates that if you have 2 individual statements explaining one
> event then they are either both false or just one of them is true, they
> cannot both be true. Since after reading Trom for a couple of times I
> understood most of it’s meaning means for me that your statement is false?
> If you read a book about someone’s experience of travelling all over the
> world it will not mean that you completely understand that person’s reality.
> The content of TROM explaining everything behind postulates is a difficult
> subject to immediately grasp, it is describing a high truth based reality,
> you have to do the exercises and gain experience and at some point read it
> again. Only in that manner will you at some point fully duplicate what is
> being communicated in the TROM manual. TROM is written from a state of
> truth that for most people is hard to understand and thus hard to duplicate.
> Note: Have you ever seen a person after reading the Tao te Ching, Zen,
> Koans that they immediately became enlightened? Some of them even had to be
> beaten with a stick many times before they had that ah ha moment.
> Jurgen
> *From:* David Pelly <david.pe...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* ‎Thursday‎, ‎January‎ ‎30‎, ‎2014 ‎10‎:‎03‎ ‎AM
> *To:* TROM list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
> Brian,
> The idea that someone  should have to read something more than two or
> three times (very maximum four or five times) to understand it,  or rather
> as in the case of TROM, begin to understand it, is stupid and insane (never
> mind 10 times or 40 times).
> High quality writings are such that the text flows and emotes it's
> meaning, it is alive,  it emotes what the author wants the reader to know
> and understand,  and does it clearly.
> The meaning, the intention  jumps of the page and flows into the reader.
> If anyone should know how to do that, it is an  accomplished and competent
> scientologist, one worth his salt.
> TROM emotes Dennis' very aberrated case.
> David
>  Hello TROMers,
>>> My name's Brian and I have been doing TROM on and off now for a few years
>>> (more off than on unfortunately.)
>>> I was a Scientologist for 30+ years until 2007 when I announced my
>>> departure
>>> from the Co$. I am trained to class V as an auditor, done a couple L's
>>> (best
>>> auditing I ever had.)
>>> I've gotten a start on a book on TROM that I hope will present the
>>> subject
>>> in a simple and straightforward manner with no Scn lingo and examples
>>> that
>>> cover many questions asked here by new-comers.
>>> I must say that reading the TROM manual now over 10 times through has
>>> been
>>> quite useful (and listening/reading all of Dennis' talks.) If any of you
>>> have questions or disagreements (that'd be you Dave P.) you should just
>>> take
>>> another pass or 5 through the materials until you do get it. I have not
>>> found any mistakes in this tech as presented by Dennis. It lines up with
>>> perfect logical consistency.
>>> It's good to see the list come alive like it has in the last weeks. It's
>>> gotten me more motivated to get cranking on level 3.
>>> Namaste,
>>> Brian
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