The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Paul,

I'm just stating what Dennis has covered quite well. The universe consists
of life & postulates. If that is so then a gold bar IS the postulate setup
itself and nothing more. It's sensation mass which is brought about by
postulates (is and isn't held simultaneously - i.e. TIPM) 

Thinking is below the level of creating. This is why positive thinking
doesn't get one very far.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Tipon [mailto:pti...@proftitleserv.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:23 PM
To: The Resolution of Mind list
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Too much attention on postulates from the past

Hi Brian,

Comments interspersed below.

On Jan 28, 2014, at 1:48 PM, TROM wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> I'd just clarify that a postulate is not a statement.

For lack of a better metaphor of what as a spirit, one is doing, the  
word statement was used.  A better description would be 'a mental  
statement' or perhaps even better, a 'spiritual thought by the  
spirit, strictly in spiritual thought terms' to have something occur.

> Thinking that postulates are some verbalization is not correct.

This is true and I had no intention to mislead and I didn't say it  
was a verbalization.

> A postulate of gold bars IS the gold bars, the postulate IS the  
> thing itself. Existence is not brought about by a via of making a  
> statement about existence.
I would say that 'THE' gold bars are the result of a  postulate.   
They are not the postulate.  The gold bars appear for they are the  
result of a postulate made about gold bars coming into existence.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Tipon [mailto:pti...@proftitleserv.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 1:52 AM
> To: trom@lists.newciv.org
> Subject: [TROM1] Too much attention on postulates from the past
> A postulate is a postulate.  A positive postulate is positive and the
> simplest example is,    (blank)   will be this and so and so.  This
> postulate can be positive at its inception yet in the future it may
> not fit the circumstances and thereby then be a negative or counter
> postulate.  The same is true for an 'in the beginning' negative
> postulate as time progresses.
> So how does one not booby trap themselves with negative and positive
> postulates?  How can one tell whether or not a postulate will wrongly
> apply at some future time in totally different circumstances.  Well
> unless you can foretell the future for every postulate you and anyone
> else ever made, you can't.
> Boy does this ever sound like a booby trapped loosing game, huh.
> Well if you want it to be ... it sure is.  Then too even if you don't
> want it to be, it sure is or is that 'is not'.  For one cannot
> foretell the future of any and all postulates made by you and
> everyone else across all of time.
> Now let's go back and look into what a postulate really is.  A
> postulate is a statement that brings an is-ness into existence.  So a
> statement of an is-ness is a postulate.  And, an as-isness is a
> postulate that states a truth if one has made a true statement of as-
> isness.  Such a statement also has the power to as-is and if done
> thoroughly has the power to vanish the is-ness.
> Now all this brings into this discussion alter-isness and not-
> isness.  Alter-isness is a postulate that changes something, a
> postulate into something else, an altered-isness or an altered
> postulate.  Damn!  There we go!  Postulates can be altered.  But what
> about that last remaining one, not-isness.
> Well a not is-ness is a postulate counter to a postulate and it sets
> up a force/counter force.  It does not is-ness it, as-is it or alter-
> isness it and certainly doesn't as-isness it.  Darn!  I guess we
> would have to call this a ridge.  Interesting thing about this ridge
> is that it is timeless for the force/counter force are locked, one
> against the other and remain that way regardless of time.  These
> ridges are then energy against energy and they go nowhere with
> respect to each other and therefore no motion means that no time
> passes for these two forces because there is no motion between them
> for the space that they occupy.  Matter is a special example of this.
> Oh, that means that is-ness, as-isness and alter-isness can change
> this force/counter force arrangement.  Hmmmmmmmm!
> So postulates are altered, vanished or new postulates put in at any
> time in the future can change this force/counter force postulate.
> Hey!  That's just like stated above.
> So in other words, one who is good at postulating and employing the 4
> methods of existence can change any and all postulates, past, present
> and future.
> Well damn damn damn.  All one has to do is use any type of postulate
> except for the not-isness postulate, huh.
> Don't think I have another worry in all of 'existence' now.  Counter
> postulates are not the bugaboo but not employing the other three
> types of is-ness to bringing things into or out of existence is the
> problem.  I also see that postulates do not necessarily last forever
> but can be changed with is-ness, as-isness and alter-isness.
> What a relief!!!!  Does this help anyone else?
> TROM with RI and TimeBreaking is an exercise at employing all of the
> 4 states of existence and when you can apply any of the 3 states
> other than not-isness, one regains the use of their ability to
> postulate for their and others good.  Just realize that if you get
> too good at this you can vanish all and create all newness or re-
> create the old.  That includes you, yourself.
> Oh and another thing.  All the levels in Level 4 & 5 are postulate/
> counter postulate.  So if one can get through Level 4 and any of the
> 8 situations, A & B, then they must be doing pretty good at handling
> counter postulates and finally just kicking them out of the way with
> the slightest of effort and attention is the final achievement of
> TROM.  After all, games barriers are nothing but postulate/counter
> postulates.  Likewise the walls in a maze all by themselves are
> postulate/counter postulates and just stand there.  Will you use
> force (overts) or intelligence and spiritual, Theta abilities to
> navigate through Life.
> p.s.:  This area of the 4 'Conditions of Existence' is one area that
> Dennis short shrifted  and in doing so did not get all of the truth
> into Level 4 & 5 of TROM.
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