The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

I reached a new level in my processing.

This morning I woke up and began processing.

I looked everywhere  and ran everything;


forced this and forced that.

"Must not be knowns" and "must not knows",

and there was no  detectable charge on any one of them.

There was nothing that begged for my attention, like is always the case.

No false and limiting postulates floating around, causing trouble, as is always 
the case.

My mind was totally quiet.

Couldn't  find anything to "deal" with, even when trying and looking, and 

With the exception of key outs and a few periods of reaching "peak states" 

 during conventional auditing,   since 97,

this is a first.

Especially on solo and more especially on TROM.

I suspect there will be some come up in a few days, 

so as soon as I can get away,  I am going to cautiously  go and take my new 
wheels  for a spin in the rough and tumble of the world.

I want to especially look at some voluptuous women and see what happens.

Maybe and hopefully  they will stick their  big boobs in my face, like so often 

I hope I can keep my TRs in.


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