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Hi Slim, 

You wrote:

"Opposing goals keep things in existence and generates mass while complementary 
goals bring about the vanishment of mass."

Maybe I have a confusion but how do you complement the goal of war? By having 
war? How do you complement working for little money and essentially being a 
modern slave? By working? Taxes? How do we complement anything that is 
undesirable to self, when really someone is gaining unfairly at the expense of 
others? See where I'm going?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 14, 2014, at 9:53 PM, Slim <slimspersonalem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> The whole  universe is held together by one set opposition goals, home boy ;  
> ) 
> Opposition keeps all things in existence while complementary goals bring 
> about vanishment. Ok , Check . 
> It's a whopper set of opposition goals too. The opposing goals. I mean look 
> at it . Dang !!
> The past of the universe is on the negative side of the legs.
> The future of the universe on the positive leg . 
> You can easily know the past but knowing is the positive leg of the goal to 
> know. 
> Know + >< - not know. 
> The future is not knowable. Yet it's the positive leg of the past >< future 
> goals package . 
> Do you see where I'm going with this ? 
> Future + know +
> Past - not know -
> The above brings about vanishment.
> Future + not know -
> Past - know +
> The above brings about persistence. 
> All the negative garbage in the mind is lingering in the past while all the 
> positive legs are in the future. 
> Interestingly vanishment is the positive leg of the goals package 
> Persist - >< +vanish 
> It would seem that vanishment is the negative leg and persistence is it's 
> positive 
> Leg.  When something's gone or not there it's a negative and like wise when a 
> thing is there it's a positive. Not so though. Quite the opposite. 
> Hence the danger of running jr goals packages. 
> Optimism future + >< - past pessimism      
> Opposing goals keep things in existence and generates mass while 
> complementary goals bring about the vanishment of mass.
> Opposition - >< + complement
> It's a perfect opposition set of goals with both legs in opposition. 
> If you instead , know the future and not know the past , the + - legs all 
> line up and the opposition goals are vanished by complementary positive and 
> negative leg goals respectively. 
> See what I'm saying Yosemite Sam ? 
> One more thing about jr goals packages. 
> You don't time break out the negative legs of the goals package .
> You put up the positive leg and time break what every shows up.. Makes no 
> difference what shows up . If it's mental mass. Time break it out. 
> Don't put  the negative legs up ever. It doesn't work . 
> The goal of time breaking is vanishment which is also the positive leg of the 
> persist- >< +vanish goals package .
> Ok that's all for >now<.
> Sent from my iPad mini brah ! ;  ) 
> Everything and everyone is there because you and only you put them there.
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