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This is the heading near the front of the TROM Manual.  Since it is near
the front it might be important to thoroughly understand before going on to
read the rest of the manual.  This is one of those places where I wish
Dennis had elaborated on his discoveries

What does he mean when he says "hierarchy of life?"

Different classes of apes have different social and cultural mores.
Of all the spiritual teachers Dennis is the only one I've heard putting so
much emphasis on the body in this way.  And in no other place does he
mention it any further, so how important is it really?  If one simply does
TROM and handles the mind, does it not all get resolved?

How has mankind suffered by ignoring the cultural and social tendences of
the human ape?   Different apes have different cultures ranging from
warlike to peaceful.


*Life and Life forms.*

Life is undoubtedly the most abundant phenomena on the surface of this
planet, as it is in the entire universe. Only the most superficial glance
through a microscope at a drop of pond water, coupled with the realization
that every cell in the body is alive in its own right, is sufficient to
convince all but the invincibly ignorant of the fact. A life form is an
aggregation of cellular life organized and directed by 'higher' life in a
hierarchy that leads up to the being who answers up when his name is
called. He is the one who does the exercises.

The human body is thus a life form and a complex cellular structure. It is
also a mammal, and a member of what is called the higher ape family. A
knowledge of the eating, mating, cultural and social habits of this ape are
invaluable to any being who wishes to walk this route. Know this ape whose
body you currently consider yourself a part of, for such knowledge will
bear you in good stead. Many a person has spent half their lives at war
with one or other of this ape's inherited social or cultural habits, and
have at last gone to their graves defeated in the struggle. When you try
and fight this ape's evolutionary history you always lose. He has certain
basic requirements, and a number of quaint behavior patterns. Learn to live
with them, for you will not change him by fighting them; you'll only make
him ill and yourself miserable. Ignorance of the true nature of the human
ape as a life form has caused untold misery down the ages. If you walk this
route far enough you will one day walk away and leave this ape, but you
will never be free of him until you understand him intimately.

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