The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Hi Cory

"Opposing goals keep things in existence and generates mass while complementary 
goals bring about the vanishment of mass."

Maybe I have a confusion but how do you complement the goal of war? By having 
war? How do you complement working for little money and essentially being a 
modern slave? By working? Taxes? How do we complement anything that is 
undesirable to self, when really someone is gaining unfairly at the expense of 
others? See where I'm going? "

I understand your confusion.

How can one be complementary with happenings that appear to be Non-Life in our 

I had the same question myself. 

I learned a lot doing TROM and experiencing original spiritual Life source at 
the inception of the To Know Matrix Package.

All of existence, what is considered good and bad are the result of desire for 
games sensation. Without bad there is no value to the experience of good.

And both are considerations related to which side one occupies while 
participating in a game, or at least existing in the arena of the games being 

Life is the source of desire, it can not be hurt or destroyed in the Ultimate. 
Only the forms life creates and uses in games play can be apparently. 

Basically Life Source has had the purpose to experience itself, in all possible 
iterations and or permutations of any kind without limitation.

So all of what is considered Good / Evil has been desirable by life for it to 
understand - experience itself. 

The mind which is the via - source of compulsive desire, provides the Matrix or 
framework of infinite games and viewpoints that persist and can be experienced. 
It was created for this purpose.  

In the early times of this experiencing, it was light, not as serious as some 
of us consider our experience is nowadays. 

And life has the remedy for when it feels games have gotten too serious.

There are a plethora of techniques to lighten the game, or even allow exiting 
the game, once they are sought after. TROM being a little known, but vital 
technique for those whom fully duplicate its workable truths.  

So-called Evil will always exist - Non complementary postulates. As this is 
what gives games and persistance - continuation of games. Non-complementary 
postulates also create seperation into self and other.

So when you can allow all to be exactly as it is, after completing Level 5 and 
collapsing the mind to 0 non-complementary postulates, the Ultimate goal of 
completing level 5, you might take a look back at those playing games, like 
war, and volunteer somehow to make a change, or not. You may see it as just 

As far as being a job slave, being taken advantage of, etc, the price to pay is 
small if you are doing TROM / clearing work and going free this life.

The frustrations lessen, then you start to create your preferred life 

Like many, this is not my first life using and researching clearing modalities. 
It's been many. Dennis implied the same.

So try not to feel too put upon by the games we play to survive, that we wish 
wasn't that way. When you get to completion of 5, you will be able to be free 
of them as you wish, and almost any price you had to pay once you make it no 
longer matters ;-) 

Keep on TROMing

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