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Interesting parallels between some elements of TROM and LRHs work 

On Feb 17, 2014, at 4:01 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>   1. RE Opposition Postulates and Going Complementary
>      (Colleen K. Peltomaa)
>   2. Life and Life Forms (Colleen K. Peltomaa)
>   3. Frank Gordon on TROM (In Particular: Commentary on RI)
>      (David Pelly)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:09:31 -0500
> From: "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
> To: trom@lists.newciv.org
> Subject: [TROM1] RE Opposition Postulates and Going Complementary
> Message-ID:
>    <CAF4m2-3dVEORLUeChOWP81f46D_LcN-gDFH=g8iy9qkymsw...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello Cory, I love the questions you asked and it's a great question to
> pose to oneself because it is seeking of wisdom
> about life and seeing the spiritual quality of life -- beyond the forms we
> take.
> Dennis realized -- and scientology too -- that we first need to key-out
> from overt/motivator sequences, the seriousness I mean.
> Grade 2 of The Grades in Scientology also relieves one of constantly
> employing and resisting covert games strategies and is helpful for one who
> has a lot of attention on this.   Too many overts in an area and then one
> occasionally flips into a "protect" mode during their cycles of existence.
> To help with shifting back and forth between various viewpoints there are
> some ascension processes that really changed things for me.   The simplest
> one is "Who am I/"/"Who am I not?".   Also, "Do I really exist?".   These
> can be positive meditational processes.   Sedona Method uses such processes
> in their "The Fifth Way".   It's a bit like having a near-death-experience
> where one sees interactions through the eyes of a creator and as a result
> is never the same again.  Wordless consciousness.
> Seeing suffering and inequity can be restimulative of past incidents.
> Removing your own charge will at least help you be more effective in doing
> something about it, bringing peace.
> Colleen
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> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:47:12 -0500
> From: "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com>
> To: Trom@lists.newciv.org
> Subject: [TROM1] Life and Life Forms
> Message-ID:
>    <caf4m2-0-qvzbmv3ptnzutb11ptixe9rauseafzyfz6g+j3f...@mail.gmail.com>
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> This is the heading near the front of the TROM Manual.  Since it is near
> the front it might be important to thoroughly understand before going on to
> read the rest of the manual.  This is one of those places where I wish
> Dennis had elaborated on his discoveries
> What does he mean when he says "hierarchy of life?"
> Different classes of apes have different social and cultural mores.
> Of all the spiritual teachers Dennis is the only one I've heard putting so
> much emphasis on the body in this way.  And in no other place does he
> mention it any further, so how important is it really?  If one simply does
> TROM and handles the mind, does it not all get resolved?
> How has mankind suffered by ignoring the cultural and social tendences of
> the human ape?   Different apes have different cultures ranging from
> warlike to peaceful.
> colleen
> *Life and Life forms.*
> Life is undoubtedly the most abundant phenomena on the surface of this
> planet, as it is in the entire universe. Only the most superficial glance
> through a microscope at a drop of pond water, coupled with the realization
> that every cell in the body is alive in its own right, is sufficient to
> convince all but the invincibly ignorant of the fact. A life form is an
> aggregation of cellular life organized and directed by 'higher' life in a
> hierarchy that leads up to the being who answers up when his name is
> called. He is the one who does the exercises.
> The human body is thus a life form and a complex cellular structure. It is
> also a mammal, and a member of what is called the higher ape family. A
> knowledge of the eating, mating, cultural and social habits of this ape are
> invaluable to any being who wishes to walk this route. Know this ape whose
> body you currently consider yourself a part of, for such knowledge will
> bear you in good stead. Many a person has spent half their lives at war
> with one or other of this ape's inherited social or cultural habits, and
> have at last gone to their graves defeated in the struggle. When you try
> and fight this ape's evolutionary history you always lose. He has certain
> basic requirements, and a number of quaint behavior patterns. Learn to live
> with them, for you will not change him by fighting them; you'll only make
> him ill and yourself miserable. Ignorance of the true nature of the human
> ape as a life form has caused untold misery down the ages. If you walk this
> route far enough you will one day walk away and leave this ape, but you
> will never be free of him until you understand him intimately.
> .
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> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:11:44 -0500
> From: David Pelly <david.pe...@gmail.com>
> To: The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
> Subject: [TROM1] Frank Gordon on TROM (In Particular: Commentary on
>    RI)
> Message-ID:
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> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> April 1997 IVy 31 29
> Book News:
> TROM: A Better Bridge1?
> by
> Frank Gordon,
> At the end
> of Dianetics: MSMH,
> Hubbard implores
> us: "For God's sake, get busy and build a better
> bridge!" To me, such a bridge would include a
> more direct connection between the philosophical
> principles of Hubbard's Scientology and their
> application. Dennis Stephens in
> TROM: The
> Resolution o f Mind: A Games Manual
> has
> achieved this more direct connection.
> Background
> Stephens' major process is centered around
> knowing. On page 10 of
> TR O M
> he lists the
> many combinations of postulate pairs involving
> know: must know, must be known, mustn't
> know, and must not be known, as either games
> or overwhelms. This focuses directly on what
> Scientology is all about, knowing about knowing,
> or science of knowledge,
> {Tech Diet
> 1979, p.370
> and
> Scn 8-80,
> p.8).
> Dennis also focuses just as directly on games,
> another key basic.
> Hubbard on games
> In
> Scn: A New Slant on Life,
> Ron discusses "The
> Reason Why," and the answer is to have a game.
> Thus: "Life is a game. A game consists of freedom,
> barriers and purposes." p.38.
> The only clear-cut process Hubbard gave for
> games appears in
> Dianetics 55
> on p.158 as a
> One-Shot clear process:
> "Having established the fact that an auditing
> session is in progress, and established some
> slight communication with the preclear (note:
> slyly implying that this is a weak spot with
> many auditors), the auditor says, 'Invent a
> game.' When the communication lag on this is
> flat the auditor then uses the command,
> 'Mock up somebody else inventing a game.'
> It is a workable process, it does function,
> it is fast, but...it has the frailty of the ability
> of the auditor. It has the frailty of failing
> when a two-way communication is not
> maintained with the preclear..."
> Ron then noted in
> Tech Vol II,
> p.417:
> "It is evidently true that no part of games is
> processable and the entering into games is not
> necessarily therapeutic, except this idea of
> overwhelming things. This process is What
> would you permit to overwhelm?' What would
> you permit to be overwhelmed?""
> So at this point, it appeared that games could
> not be processed directly.
> Dennis Stephens on games
> In
> under Theory, p.7, Dennis approaches
> games at the postulate level:
> "Conflicting postulates are called a game.
> The purpose of a game is to have fun. All
> conflicting postulates are essentially a game...
> Due to contagion with opposing postulates all
> games tend to reduce the ability of the being
> to postulate.
> "...all games are essentially contests in con-
> viction, and all failure is basically postulate
> failure (note: an overwhelm, either as moti-
> vator or overt).
> "It is a rule of all games, that intentionally
> lowering one's ability in order to be more
> evenly matched with the opponent leads
> inevitably to the state of an en-
> forced loss of the game...Thus the
> paradox of all games:
> a. All games are played for fun,
> b. To always win is no fun, and
> c. To invite a loss is to eventually have a loss
> enforced upon one. Thus, eventual failure is
> the end result of all games."
> Dennis then discusses the assignment of responsi-
> bility, blame and guilt by the loser at end of a
> game. This parallels the Service Facsimile as an
> analytical game tactic. He also notes that treating
> GPMs formerly as reactive led to many difficul-
> ties, and that game postulates are analytical.
> Other views of games are given in: "Can Games
> be Processed Directly?"
> IVy
> 9, p.29;
> Games
> People Play
> by Eric Berne, and
> Scripts People
> Live
> by Claude Steiner.
> The repair of importance
> There is an interesting parallel between Dennis's
> Repair of Importance (RI) and Hubbard's Repair
> or Remedy of Havingness, where Ron's definition
> of importance in the
> Tech Diet
> is:
> "Importance, is mass. In thinkingness when
> you say importance, you mean mass."
> Hubbard noted "The Importance of Havingness"
> (PAB 72,
> Tech Vol II,
> p.371), and stated that,
> "Without the repair and remedy of havingness
> no real gains become apparent." He also notes
> that any process will run better if interspersed
> with havingness, which parallels the use of RI.
> An early definition of havingness was:
> "Havingness is that which permits the expe-
> rience of mass and pressure." And his final
> definition: "The concept of being able to reach"
> might also be expressed as: "The concept of
> being able to experience, or permitting oneself
> to experience."
> Why doesn't Dennis use "havingness" instead of
> importance? Probably to emphasize the "mustness"
> of anything important. The "mustness" which
> makes games compulsive.
> Using RI(3) to repair importance, "Create
> an importance," while emphasizing the
> issue of "mustness" between two termi-
> nals seems workable and echoes Ron's
> "Invent a game" as an all the way process in
> Dianetics 55.
> Examples of mock-ups used to
> repair importance might be: a teacher impress-
> ing a child with the importance of knowing the
> capital of Denmark; or a mother berating her son
> about the importance of wearing his rubbers1.
> This can help to improve awareness of any com-
> pulsive "mustness" elements in one's life.
> Timebreaking
> In "The Creation of
> T R O M "
> (IVy
> 17, p.23),
> Dennis tells about how he developed
> and that he devised timebreaking by using
> Hubbard's concept that mental automaticities
> can be brought under control by doing them
> consciously.
> Thus, when working with postulates like "must
> know," if a past incident pops up automatically,
> it is not run as a lock or engram, but the A=A=A
> is broken by differentiating the past incident
> from the present; much as in the early process
> of comparing and differentiating between two
> objects.
> Complementary postulates
> Dennis has a lot of cautions, so in order not to
> get in over my head, I've begun exploring his
> approach with complementary postulate pairs.
> He says complementary postulates reduce
> game-playing compulsions and increase affinity,
> but they can include overwhelm phenomena
> where they have resulted from force or undue
> influence. To avoid this, I can prefix these
> complementary postulate pairs with "the
> desire to, willing to, permitting oneself to,
> feeling free to, etc."
> I found using the pair "know and to be known"
> relaxing, with an immediate sense of release.
> This, and also the pair "desire to know and the
> desire to be known" were fun. On the subject of
> havingness, I used the postulate pair: "willing
> to have (for self) with the object (the other)
> willing to be had." Nice!
> Also the pairing of "to have" and "to be
> had" may be applicable to various hav-
> ingness processes. E.g., "Look around the
> room and find something you could (or
> are willing to) have", as the Self-Determined
> postulate seems to work better for me if I put in
> the Pan-Determined postulate "could (or is will-
> ing to) be had," on the other end of the line.
> Ron's material on GPMs was so thoroughly
> oppositional, that thinking about postulate
> pairs like "to know and to be known" or "to have
> and to be had" is refreshing.
> The CDEI scale
> Dennis uses "must" or "must not" which corre-
> spond to "enforce" and "inhibit" in the CDEI
> (curious, desire, enforce, inhibit) scale.
> Since the goal of TROM is to convert compulsive
> "must" games into voluntary enjoyable ones, I've
> explored the possibility of expanding the usage of
> the CDEI scale, using curious as "desiring to
> know (or to have) paired with desiring to be
> known (or to be had)," and with "desiring to
> not-know or not-have" being a kind of "cultivated
> indifference."
> And perhaps between "enforced" and
> "inhibited," one can assume a balance
> point or free area, with the concepts of
> "permitting oneself to, freedom to, may,
> can, etc." which can be combined with "know or
> have."
> Dennis gives a list of junior packages which have
> been found to be erasable: to create, to love, to
> admire, to enhance, to help, to feel, to control, to
> own, to have, to eat, to sex; with complementary
> ones as: to be created, to be felt, to be sexed, etc.
> Summary
> In my opinion, Dennis has taken a very direct
> approach to using the key elements of Scientology:
> knowing how to know, living as a game, becoming
> responsible and assigning importances.
> He has also expanded the concept of the Sendee
> Facsimile (a game tactic) with his thoughts about
> blame (the assignment of wrongness) and guilt
> (accepted blame), along with shame (guilt exposed)
> and ridicule (the exposure of guilt). This area with
> its many charges and counter-charges may provide
> another entering wedge into ongoing games.
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