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Hey Cory , 

Opposing goals generate mass. Complementary goals bring about vanishment.  This 
is pretty advanced TROM. I can answer your questions with ease but it's best if 
you make you own examples . You'll learn better that way . My answers won't 
really help you understand it any more than you do now,....unfortunately . 

TROM is about understanding games play conflicting goals, mass and 
complementary postulates, not solving your problems of being ripped off from 
day to day for what ever reason or if someone gains unfairly at your expense. 
Lol. I'm not trying to discourage you from using TROM. Trust me, I'm very glad 
you're here and wish you the very best all the way . Sincerely. I do . 

I've studied TROM since 1996 or 97. I still have my own questions about some of 
it . 

The best thing for you to do is start doing the  practical sections 1-5 . It'll 
make more sense  to you as you go up the levels.  Like it did for me . 

I started by acknowledging to myself what part of the games manual I fully 
understood and setting aside the things about it I didn't understand. That left 
me with about 25% that I didn't understand. As I went up the levels , the 
remaining 25% started making sense to me and now there's very little I don't 
understand.  And that's ok . 

Ok?  . I hope this helps in some way . 


Everything and everyone is there because you put them there. :  )

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