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Hi all

Here is a clip from Ken Ogger's book Super Scio on how to study.  It seems 
Dennis' worry that people would just sit around and talk about TROM is just the 
normal activity of studying a subject.

"WHAT IS: Current Scientology study technology tends to specialize in handling 
MUs and doing demonstrations of things in clay. These are useful techniques. 
Sometimes its enough, especially for adults who already have a great deal of 
knowledge and are doing a course with a great deal of enthusiasm.
WHAT ISN’T: This is totally inadequate for use in schools. The 1950s view was 
much broader and actually highlights how bad the current approach is. 

The basic Scientology idea on the whole topic is that understanding comes from 
affinity, reality, and communication (ARC). They still know this, but they have 
forgotten how to apply it. 

First and foremost, you need to get the students to like a subject. An 
interested student will learn the subject despite a bad teacher. 

You need to promote free and open communication about the subject, especially 
between the students (currently discouraged in the CofS). 

You need to see and examine things and try things out to build reality. 

You need to look through the materials multiple times rather than just working 
forward through a checksheet robotically. 

As a substitute for experience, you need to sit and imagine what you're going 
to do and how you're going to handle anything that could go wrong. And you need 
to decide that you invented the subject to make it your own and get it fully 
into your own universe (yes Ron actually tells students to do this on a 1954 

I think the most important point is to read through the materials many times 
till you can picture how all the bits and pieces work together. When you can 
read the algebraic formulas in TROM and get what they mean instead of just 
mouthing the names of the symbols you will be close to understanding.

The formula XY+X(1-Y)+Y(1-X)+(1-X)(1-Y)=1 means regarding these two postulates 
X and Y we are going to look at every being and animal and planet and star in 
the multiple universes to find any time we had a complementary or conflicting 
alignment between these two postulates or their absences.

If you read that formula and get that understanding then you are doing well on 
studying TROM.  If not you need to keep rereading the material and defining 
terms till the understanding comes.

Keep on TROMing


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