The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

I am trying to make something workable from what you are saying. Most of it makes sense but:

How can I create into the future while the past is behind me, if the future comes before the past?

If the past leads to everything bad and the future leads into everything that is good the how do I explain the good thing I just enjoyed which was in the 'future' that then becomes bad because it moved into the past? Also, once the bad things in the past are cleared, I see nothing bad there and yet the future from my viewpoint is unknown and could be bad.

"The more you go into the future of this universe, the better it feels. The more into the past the worse." Why? As much as I try, this is not real for me. The limitations are too severe, I should be free to roam anywhere and everywhere, lightly and easily. Surely this is the purpose of a technology such as TROM? It should ALL become light and easy.

Also, if I should avoid referring to the past then how do I run TROM levels 2 to 4 (not looked at 5 yet)?

Dave Langley

On 02/03/2014 21:59, Slim wrote:
The future always comes first and the past is always after.

It may seem like the future has not come yet or that it will be coming,  but it 
actually always comes first before the past . The past always follows the 
future. No exception . You create+ into the future+ While the past- is behind- 

Pos always precedes the neg .

The future is the pos leg and the past is the neg leg.

Referring to the past leads you into the past and everything bad there

Referring to the future leads you into everything that is good .

The pos leg always comes first

The neg leg comes after .

Here's a collapsed package example

Self ><others   Or not self =t's everyone else that's not self.

You are as responsible as you are both self and others at the same time.

You are as irresponsible as you are not both self and others at the same time.

To collapse any dual goals package simply view the opposition as self and the 
originator also as self.  . It's you who are opposing you the originator who 
always goes first . Make both poles pos. poles and it'll fall apart.

It's collapsed, you can use the self and others dual package to collapse ANY : ) 
other dual package in the universe, including the know >< not know package.

The more you go into the future of this universe, the better it feels . The 
more into the past the worse.

All possible packages are infinite. There's no limit of different packages there can be.  The only package that 
maters is a dual package, any dual package . It makes no difference if it's the know >< not know package or 
the white >< black package or the color ><no color.  Quite >< loud ..... A package is a package. 
Self ><not self  same thing as self >< others.

When ever you desire something into the universe , just collapse the packages 
that will put things how you want them. Leave others inflated as needed.

Now,you can easily figure out any thing in the universe and you can practice 
collapsing packages with the collapse of the self others package. When you see 
it's both you vs you as both originator and opposer, the neg leg of others will 
vanish and it's just the pos leg . When the pos leg is all that's left, it 
vanishes,when you take your attention off of it .

You don't need to use the self >< others package to collapse other packages. If 
you find you have another one that you prefer, use that .

You're playing ping pong with a paddle in each hand . The net is present time. 
The server is the originator and pos leg and the opponent is the neg leg. But 
it's just you vs you. It always has been and it always will be. It will just 
not seem to be while the self and others package is being used by you.

Future >present<past.

As soon as you spot it, the thing vanishes. Game over .

As soon as you spot you in opposition to you the game ends.

In order to have a thing in this universe you must also have dual packages. 
When all the packages are gone , the universe vanishes with it . Then it's back 
. You have full control.

You will always vanish any dual package in this universe by collapsing the self 
others package first . Then you'll see it's just you on both sides which gives 
you control of the whole package,

It gets easier with each package you vanish using this method .

Kind of like learning how to time break but you  are collapsing packages on 
inspection not viewing the past in the present . The truth of time breaking is 
that you're combining the pos and neg leg goals and vanishing it . You do it 
while on  the pos leg future universe in pt. it's a pos sensation.

To see the dual package

Look for the pos goal . It always comes first .

When you use the rule that everything in the pos side universe is good. 
Anything else pos gets added to the future universe .

Everything and everyone is there because you put them there. :  ) including the 
law of duality . Anything that's not life was put there by you . All life forms 
. Also you . Self is you and others are also you.

When the self and others is combined , it collapses. Like time breaking in a 
way in that you're putting two into one and it vanishes.

You also will not see any opposition if the original goal is removed. In order 
to have opposition you first need a pos goal from the pos universe. Then you 
put up an opposing goal to hold it there.

You can put up positive goals forever and you'll have the positive universe as 
you own . You don't need opposition to have good sensations. You only need the 
opposition to hold the sensation there. Too much opposition generates a bad 
sensation. As soon as you take your attention off of it, it becomes unimportant 
and vanishes. Attention is a neg leg goal. It's importance . The more attention 
you give to a thing , the more solid it becomes. No attention is a pos leg and 
it brings unimportance with it .

Paying attention is adding more to the neg leg of the package.

When a thing is gone it's gone. You can create a thought about that thing after 
it's gone but it's only a thought of a thing that's gone.  The thing is still 
gone . Then the thought vanishes too. It's no longer needed . It's unimportant 
. OT vanishes as soon as your attention to it vanishes.

Opposition brings about solidity , no opposition , vanishment.

Which pole is which .

Example the word possible.

Possible >< impossible. = >< -

Life is as pos as pos can be . But it also puts the neg legs there too. To 
oppose the positive. To oppose self.
Life is playing a series of games with self and against self , only self. As soon as this truth becomes not known by you, life becomes trapped playing the games until it's known again.

When you lose the awareness that it's just you alone in the universe and 
everything and everyone is put there by you and only you , you become trapped 
to the same degree.

You use the law of duality to collapse the self and other package.

The collapse of the future >< past package will eliminate the past and leave 
the future . Then you can put a past there. Even a new past :  )

Once the past is gone it can only be brought back in the form of images of the 

If you lie into the future it'll vanish as soon as you take your attention off 
of it.

If you lie into the past it will linger to the same degree you add more neg 
importance to it .

When the past is gone all that's left is pos. future, good, happyness etc.

Every thing has a pos and neg leg . No exception . It's a binary construct.

When you spot any opposition you simply understand it's you opposing you and it 
vanishes . You've overwhelmed the neg leg with pos leg to the point that both 
sides are now positive and will vanish as soon as your attention about it does.

You can see the neg leg vanish but you don't see the pos leg vanish until after 
you take your attention off of it . When your attention vanishes off of the 
pos, the pops leg vanishes ,

The neg side universe only has the neg leg opposers in it . That's the past .

When all the packages are collapsed, all that's left is one last package.

Life >< no life

No life =all matter energy space and time  it's just you and everything and 
everyone else.

This package collapses all other packages.

Self others
Good bad
Happy sad
Love hate
Pos neg
Know not know.
Lucky unlucky

Every neg leg opposes it's pos leg in some way .

Every pos leg is opposed by every other neg leg in some way .

Life puts up both the pos and neg legs .

First the pos then the neg.

The Amt of neg determines the length and duration of the package as a whole.

A neg can not vanish a pos but a pos can vanish a neg.

Use this truth to vanish any neg leg in the universe.

Find a way that works for you and use it . The more you use it the better 
you'll get using it . A law based on the law of duality.

So when you vanish the package you are doing it as soon as the neg leg is 

The lies you generate are being generated In the thousands every day to keep 
you  in the matrix. You need to see the lies to vanish them . As soon as you do 
it vanishes.  On order to see any lie you must first know the truth it's 
opposed to.

The past is only there because you put it there in present time.

If you don't put the past in the present , you'll never know the past.

It's all your doing. You make the past present and future. You make every song 
on the radio . You make very sound that you hear.

You can collapse the self others package by simply making sentences on paper of 
past scenes that put you on both sides of the package.

You're the origin and the receipt.

Anything that pops up becomes unimportant when you view self as both. The more 
solid and beg the opposer is , the more pos unimportance is needed to vanish it.

Since you control both legs , only you can determine which side gets more pos 
or neg .

The more importance the neg leg has the more pos unimportance will be needed to 
vanish the neg leg .

When you see how the future always comes first before the past and how the past 
always comes after , you will collapse the future >< package. The lie called 
time will vanish when u do . It will go from mass to energy to sensation to 
vanishment in that order.

There's only a couple things you need to know about the dual package.

The pos always comes first
The neg can never fully oppose or ever vanish a pos leg
The pos can always fully vanish a neg leg and adds power to any other pos leg .
Every thing in the universe has a pos and neg leg.
Every package has opposing legs.

Opposing a neg leg adds more importance to the neg leg and brings about a 
longer duration of the package.

Complementing a neg leg vanishes importance and assigns unimportance to the neg 

If you put this symbol - Over the symbol of +,  the - vanishes. When you put 
the + over the - , the - vanishes.

All you need to do is know the differences between pos and neg . Put all the 
pos legs with all other positives and all the neg legs with all other the 

Right wrong
Good bad
Happy sad
Smile frown
Up down
North south.
Pos neg
Love hate
Show hide
Overt motivator
Cause effect.
Hot cold
Fast slow
Warm cool
Male female
Boy girl
Left right
Front rear
Forward back
Laugh cry

The list never ends. No exception. It's leads all the way to the 1 . Life.

Life is always on the pos side and puts neg opposition there for the purpose of 
opposing self. .

You are playing both sides of a game. The sooner you " get it " the sooner 
you'll walk away out of the trap you got yourself into . The sooner the games will cool 
off and end too.

You wont walk away until you do .  You also will not walk away until you are 
exterior to all life forms and all material things.

It does not mean forever. You can always come back . You have total freedom
of choice in the matter . You always will too.

It's you who has put everything that opposes you there. In order for anything 
to be opposed , the pos leg of creation must come first .  Then the opposing 
leg follows.

Life +> create +><-oppose

Package delivered .

Have a nice day :  )

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