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17.The Thought or Theta Universe

The final prison universe built below the Symbols Universe was called, by its 
inhabitants, the Thought or Theta Universe (depending on how you want to 
translate it). They considered themselves to be Thought People in contrast to 
the Body People of the next lower prison universe (which they built). But they 
were not thought people in the true sense. What they really were was energy 
beings. So maybe we should call this the "Energy Universe".

The transfer incident down to this universe sends you down a sort of 4 
dimensional spiral staircase. It basically lays in the idea that you are an 
energy unit and can be effected by energy and it gets you to build what 
Dianetics and Scientology refer to as the reactive mind. From here on you can 
be effected by force and you tend to accumulate incidents of pain and 
unconsciousness which further aberrate your behavior. As you go down the 
staircase, things seem to shrink strangely in the distance while remaining near 
by. This is because you are curving off in a 4th dimensional direction. With 
each step, the staircase disappears in blackness and you get an implant item. 
Then it reappears and you're taking another step downward. The implant includes 
the materials run on the clearing course.

The body here is a circle or globe of energy and it can be trapped and hurt by 
energy. And unfortunately, we were stupid enough to think that we were these 
energy bodies and therefore could be kicked around and conditioned by the use 
of force. This is the era of the Thetan as an energy unit and it is pretty high 
and powerful compared to people living as bodies, but it is far lower than the 
Thetan living as a "god".

And here we have the endless aberrations of energy and the abuse and misuse of 
force. But we also have what is still a very thought oriented society with a 
tremendous level of creation and aesthetics.

 This universe starts around 4.5 Quadrillion years ago. The goal for this 
universe seems to be to create effects on others especially through the use of 
emotion. There was some sort of whole track word for this which I will 
translate as "To Emotionate".

People could kick into each other so heavily that the next lower prison 
universe was built fairly quickly, maybe around 2.8 Quadrillion years ago. At 
this point, beings were still coming down from the symbols universe.

Throughout our history, we had been projecting mockups of bodies but had never 
been really restricted by them. But now we actually believed ourselves to be 
energy bodies and the next logical step was to condition the convicts being 
sent down to the next universe into thinking that they were physical bodies 
made of matter.

And so we built what we then thought of as the "MEST" or "Physical" Universe as 
a prison where everybody would be in a body and subject to physical laws. But 
since it was not the current universe, and since we also think of this one as a 
MEST or Physical universe, it will avoid confusion if I give this some other 
name. Based on the subsequent events, I will refer to it as the "Conflicts 

And the implant which took us down from the Thought Universe to the Conflicts 
Universe laid in a terrible compulsion for using bodies, but it was otherwise 
defective and the prisoners broke out and counter invaded the thought universe 
from the conflicts universe resulting in the Theta-MEST Wars. 

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