The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
As I have been coaching a person new to
TROM regarding level 2, one solution has been to have photos of
different people in front of one self. Also there are an infinity of
person's photos on the net to download to your computer. 

worked for him very well. We all have the ability / tendency to be
able to judge people by looks, activity, job title, age etc. 

just needs to be a person in your PT environment with eyes open that
you can see for comparison.

However, as The Resolution Of Mind
is the key to freedom from having to play games, I value that freedom
enough to be certain not to skimp on the fundamentals of level 2. I
would not see it as any 
great imposition / sacrifice to go find
some live people and do level 2 where I can see them. It
even be fun !

You won't need to do this once you attain the

The purpose is to become an expert Timebreaker. You
want to be the best you can be, as this is the ability that should be
second nature – natural, not an effort.

Some will barely
need to do the exercise, to realize it as child's play easy. Others
will find it an effort and very significant.

Once you are
expert at timebreaking, you will likely have the ability for barely needing a
nano-second comparison of an entire past scene to PT-NOW on many incidents / 
scenes somewhere in
level 3, or by its end.

Start Dennis Quote:

Level Two.
Purpose: To find the past. To
exercise the being in evaluating the past to the present.
Now I’ll
be brutally honest with you. If you need this level running badly its
going to hurt. It all depends upon how severe the compulsive games
condition is between you and your mind. If you’re rather chummy
with your mind the exercise will be a breeze, and you’ll enjoy it
as well as deriving benefit from it. However, if you are a mass of
so-called repressions and inhibitions you are in for a hot time of
it. You’ll probably be absolutely sure that you are going to die
before you’ve got your teeth a couple of inches into this Level.
There’s nothing like Level Two to separate the men from the boys.
Crack this one, and the rest is easy. However, the Level must be
done, for there’s no other way to get a being to be able to

Use RI liberally. Don’t be a
martyr - run RI when the going gets rough; you’ve nothing to gain
by suffering any more than you have to. This Level is designed to
crack the compulsive games
condition you are currently in with
your own mind. It does it with ruthless efficiency - to the
extent you are currently capable of achieving. But I’ll
tell you this: once you come out the other
end you’ll have lost
all fear of your own mind. You’ll know with absolute certainty that
nothing it can do to you that you can’t handle. You’re
over the biggest hump. The being who has
successfully completed
Level Two has said good-bye to separate therapists: he now knows he
can do what has to be done alone. If this technology ever becomes
lost to mankind it will only be because some faint hearts could
not confront the horrors of Level Two, and so will change it all
into something pleasant - and useless. Never miss it: Level Two is
the only barrier that sits between mankind and the attaining of
Nirvana. He cannot face Level Two, and so he goes to a
separate therapist to help him through it - never realizing that
by so doing he has negated his own responsibility in the matter,
and so doomed himself to failure. He must do this step alone, or
he’ll never be able to cock a snook at his own mind; there is no
other choice.

So Level Two will be a baptism of
fire for many of you. So be it. Press on. I’ve known the successful
completion of this Level to cure chronic alcoholism in a being all by
itself, so the results are well worth attaining. Remember: you’ve
lived through the original of whatever your mind has to throw up at
you, so you can live through the recall of it, The last thing you do
before you expire is - run RI. Then you won’t expire. Get it? Then
you continue on with the exercise. Get it?


a) Select a
non-significant past scene.
(Masochists can select a significant

b) Select an object from this scene.

c) Find an object in
pt (one you can see with your eyes) that is different from the past

d) How is it different?

Repeat c) and d) (Its
permissible to use the same pt object over and over again if you
wish) until no more change; then:

e) Find an object in pt (one you
can see with your eyes) that is similar to the object in the

f) How is it similar?

Repeat e) and f) until no more
change, then repeat c) and d). Continue until both c) and d), and e)
and f) produce no more change.

g) Select a new past object, either
from the same past scene or a different one.

Repeat c) and d), then e) and f)
with this new past object until no more change.

Continue the
exercise, using more and more significant past objects, until no more
change occurs with any past object you care to select. Now do the
exercise with past persons. Select them one at a time, and complete
the exercise with each person. Continue until no more change occurs
with any past person you care to select.

As you do this exercise, and the
compulsive games condition between you and your mind begins to break
down, you’ll find that it becomes progressively easier to place the
‘then’ and ‘now’ objects side by side for comparison
purposes, until you are quite easily able to view both the ‘then’
and ‘now’ objects simultaneously. You are learning to Timebreak.
By the time the exercise has gone null you’ll be an expert
Timebreaker. Don’t rush the exercises; nothing is to be gained by
so doing. Once started on a past object or person you should persist
with the object or person. To change around all the time will not
make it easier for you; you are just prolonging the agony – and the
exercise. Run the changes out as you go, that is always the fastest

Remember: you are running out a
compulsive games condition between you and your own past. The
exercise continues to produce changes as long as this compulsive
games condition is highly charged; as the compulsive games condition
quietens down, so the exercise ceases to produce change. You end up
feeling quite different about your past - quite friendly towards it -
as well as being a competent Timebreaker, and so ready for Level

Keep on TROMing

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