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Hi Jonah,

My comments are interspersed below.

On Mar 11, 2014, at 11:31 PM, Jonah Seymour wrote:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Hi Max, I agree with you in several respects, however, I find it quite difficult to say really anything on the forum, knowing that all my typing originates in games compulsion on a forum about freedom from games compulsion. It certainly is a neat experience. At the end of the day, so many people saying DO TROM SEE FOR YOURSELF and what not, plus the fact that no ones making money, plus the fact that it's based on boolean logic, indicates that it working is more likely than it being ineffective. Even if it's not 100% what it promises (and I have no reason to believe this as the case) it must do some good, theres no possible way these exercises could harm you, or make your mind more loud. I know I'm preaching to the choir, as you do practice TROM regularly, for a longer time than it, but I say this mostly for myself. Typing can help sometimes.

Hello Paul, Thank you for this post, insightful, just hearing you relay your experience of "not thinking before doing" assures me there is something to TROM. You have no reason or gain in bullshiting us. When you say "freedom from games...what nobody wants" this triggers an underlying question beneath my "whats at the end of trom" query...and that is fear of life being boring games free. Lemme ask you and everyone.

As you stated in your first paragraph, the end result is "freedom from games compulsion". That means complete free will to win, not win, play or not play. It also means that in a physical universe where every motion and then motion returned is a game configuration, one does not have to treat it as a game and respond as if being in a game. In addition, one does not develop actions and responses and store them for future use in similar related games instances. Very few have that freedom of choice. It means that one has a complete wide open panorama of actions and response actions that they can create for any and all situations. They are no longer a homo sapien automaton. You can be more effective, more creative, more successful, life becomes your realm of creativity and activity. You no longer have to keep trying to fit the square peg in a round hole.

IS NO GAMES NO SPACE NO TIME NO MIND BORING? I mean what motivated me to come in the first place. (I guess that's another question, that should be interested in trom.)

You will find that the old games, spaces, times were boring or worse and that now nothing is boring for you for your only challenge is the limitlessness of your application of your own genius and creativity. You could look at it as though you were stuck in a rut and now you're not. You will live life more fully and freely.

Anyways, as I said, I will ask questions pertinent to me diving in and doing nothing but trom, currently getting things sorted to where I can go out in the New Zealand Bush and focus on nothing but working on myself. (trom and body cleansing)

Thanks guys.

Keep on TROMmoing, Paul
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