The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Thanks you Aarre.
The instalments have started going out with some comments.  As well as enrolling  on the list at http://lists.worldtrans.org/mailman/listinfo/cosmichistory, as a temporary measure you can see the instalments as they come out, and many of the comments at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4ivdz2o592s4vd5/fJ5cRbJpx2 .
Eventually they will be "long term" available at www.cosmichistory.info. I say "long term" because I can not guarantee they will be there until the end of this universe.

All best wishes,


At 03:14 17-03-2014, Aarre Peltomaa wrote:

Thanks so much,  Antony !
I've read and printed this volume before,  but it was good to be refreshed of it again.  It rekindles my urgency to get on with the show,  and do TROM rather than discussing it.  We've got to get the job done this lifetime,  as all these adventures in the 'Cosmic History' have grown  very,  very 'long in the tooth' !
Much Appreciated.
Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-7267    Mississauga,  Ontario,  Canada
(219) 299-4944    US  number

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 5:47 AM, Ant Phillips < ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk> wrote:
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
For your information,  I have just started sending the Pilot's Cosmic History out in weekly instalments.  It is a discussion group (list similar to this TROM list) but concerned solely with the Pilot's Cosmic History, and discussions and questions concerning it..  You can see details and enroll by going to:  http://lists.worldtrans.org/mailman/listinfo/cosmichistory
This Cosmic History list is concerned solely with that subject.  I have sent it out seven times in the past. Very interesting  as I have changed my mind quite a bit about it and this time will be the last time (I expect).
Your participation is invited, includeing writing on that subject if you are interested.
All best wishes,
Trom mailing list

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