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I think you are only partly correct.

In part:

That is a pretty big leap or and stretch  of facts.

And not of any practical value, to the average person,

 except to quantum physicists.


What you are saying is that everything requires constant  recreation in
order to exist or persist.

I would say that is nonsense.

All you need for MEST to persist is a postulate for MEST to persist.

And that postulate is complex and consists of constant change.

You have to read several different cosmology theories or works to begin to
get some insight into this subject.

I assume you have done some scientology and read the Pilots work.

To expand upon scn and the Pilot,  I suggest Dr.  Walter Russels  work (
University of Science and Philosophy) ,



the Urantia,


The Revelatorium to start with.

Search  them on line.

That is as per  the formula for understanding as explained in "How to study
a science", by Hubbard,  in A new slant on life.

And in other places in scn.


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:04 AM, Ludo Vermeulen

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
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> Hi Colleen,
> A thought and an impuls has arisen to answer your question.
> A thought, or even consciousness itself, disappears almost as soon as it
> arises. So in order for there to be an appearance of a universe or even an
> identity that persists through time, consciousness and the thought have to
> be renewed over and over again, moment after moment. So if you look at an
> apple and blink your eye, even not, there is absolutely nothing the same
> about the apple you saw in the beginning and the apple you saw the next
> moment. There is even nothing the same about the notion of "I" that arises
> now and the notion of "I" that arises now. The totality of consciousness,
> the whole universe and it's perception, appears now and dies now, and then
> reappears again, creating an illusion of persistence. In reality there is
> no universe and no you. The totality of it is totally new over and over
> again, moment after moment. The only reality is the no-thing that generates
> it mysteriously. Hope that helps "you".
> Have a nice day :-)
> "Ludo"
> Op 3-mei-2014, om 04:53 heeft Colleen K. Peltomaa het volgende geschreven:
> *************
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> ************
> From manual,
> "*Be Known*
> This is the creative postulate – the postulate that brings the effect into
> existence. His Pan Determined postulate that goes with it at the other end
> of the comm line is ‘know’. This twin postulate structure is still present
> even if the effect is only being created for the benefit of the creator; in
> this case he merely responds to his own PD postulate and knows his own
> creation.
> Time is the postulate "Continue to be known", and is the postulate that
> introduces persistence into the creation. In games play there are many
> methods of ensuring persistence, so that others are not easily able to
> vanish a creation. The most basic method is the lie, which calls the
> creation something which it is not. Thus, the perceiver only views the lie,
> and is unable to vanish the original postulate, which remains hidden.
> Therefore, this late in the game very few things are what they appear to
> be, and illusions are rampant.
> There are no screens associated with this postulate, but there are plenty
> of them to be encountered from the opposition postulate, "Mustn’t know"
> (See later in this section.)
> ​"
> I am having difficulty coming up with live examples of the above.   Would
> appreciate some help with this, thank you.
> colleen
> ​
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