The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Eli,


Welcome to the list!


I think you'll find the creative version of RI to be very powerful. Aside
from remedying your havingness/importances you are practicing the basic
abilities of a being.


Dennis covers pretty well where you should be when L2 is complete. The
lectures give important additional data that you should have. (Pete's edited
kindle versions are very good)


Reading the manual multiple times has definitely helped me to understand
TROM more thoroughly. 


Happy TROMing!





From: Eli Gutierrez [mailto:egutierre...@outlook.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:56 PM
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Welcome to TROM


Hi Tromers,

I have never joined a list before until now, so if I make any mistakes in
violation of any traditions or protocols please bear with me.

I left Scientology back in 1980. My reasons were no different than the
reasons given by many on this list.

I downloaded the TROM_1 Archives and read some of it to get a "taste" of
what goes on here; I must say that all of you come across as a very nice


My interest lies in TROM itself and the experiences of those who are
applying it in their lives. I'm interested in the progress and gains
obtained so I can evaluate my own. As of yet I have not started my own
processing, but I have read the manual. The Resolution of Mind.

My intention is to start my processing in the next couple of days. I found
the theory of TROM pretty sound and easy to duplicate up to the Level 5
data, at which 

point some restimulation started getting in the way. I found that to be
pretty much par for the course when you read tech that aligns with one's own

I was a course supervisor and I observed that phenomena in my course room a
few times. 


I would like to hear from members that have completed Level 2 as that is the
level I will start, also any experiences on running RI will be welcomed
since I have never seen or done any of it myself. I know RI has some
similarity with havingness processes, but the emphasis is on importances
which are not objective, they are significances. Any feedback on that will
be appreciated.


Thank you all.





From: Pete Mclaughlin [mailto:pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 12:33 PM
To: egutierre...@outlook.com
Subject: Welcome to TROM


Hi and welcome to TROM


Initially you will be on moderated status where I will review your
submissions before allowing them to be published on the email list.  You can
write a short introduction about what brought you to TROM and I will remove
the moderate status.


Be sure to check out the Archive of old posts to the list on the page where
you signed up for the mailing list. Many questions you have may have already
been answered there.


Also be sure to check out the site  <http://www.tromhelp.com/>
www.tromhelp.com.  All of Dennis Stephens taped lectures are there and many
transcripts of the lectures as well.  All of the materials at the
<http://www.tromhelp.com/> www.tromhelp.com site are free for download as
they are in the public domain or there with the authors written permission
to download.


The Resolution of Mind and Supplemental Lectures are now available at
Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/>  in the Kindle Store. At


Finally, be sure to ask questions. There are many talented people lurking on
this email list who only originate when someone asks a question.


Keep on TROMing


List Moderator


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