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Hello Colleen,  

Thank you for your interesting email. ☺

Yes I am in Portsmouth which is right on the south coast near the sea. 
That's very helpful about what you use for the time breaking with a person, and 
that makes complete sense when  you explain it like that. 

I get most of what is being talked about, but it was the practical details I 
found  odd. It's helpful to have friends that have such experience in the field 
that can be conferred with, I would say although I agree that it's our case we 
need to do the work, if we get confused or stuck many will give up and the 
chance can be lost. I have noticed a pattern in myself that can easily withdraw 
and go into research mode and lose touch with the world. I created my own art 
based on the things I had learnt,  reiki,  shamanism, Buddhist psychology,  a 
course in miracles and being an interfaith minister,  advaita and I dedicated 
nine months of my life to it and got zero from it, but to grind myself to a 
exhausted standstill. I realize that its good to have friends that you can turn 
to that understand whats happening in your universe. Something I observed in 
scientology was the use of clay.i had this idea in my mind percolating for a 
few years that art was such a force for healing and I knew it was very 
important for me. After my job ended, I took a class in ceramic sculpture,  I 
was told that I had a natural ability for it. There was something about 
creating a form that really lifted me. 

After I admitted that my art was not going what I had mocked it up to be. I had 
the space to look at what I really loved to do. I have a deep affection for 
children and they share this with me. I love to teach them, and he, please them 
learn and express themselves,  they are so honest, something that so many of us 
lose as we get older. So I came across something called jumping clay. It's 
teaching kids to work with clay. You can see it online,  there are businesses 
all over the world. Right now I am making an application to the bank for a loan 
to train and start a business to be an instructor.  It's important that I 
follow this creative spark in my heart, and to share that with others and get 
paid would be so wonderful. I don't have a job right now, so I have signed up 
for a hand sculpture class and paper mache course, so I have positive things in 
my universe. I am aware that I can easily fall into the CGC.  I have been in 
that one game and been overwhelmed and snapped, fortunately I knew enough to 
find my way back. 

What you say about the image freezing up or being covered ovr is what's going 
on with me now. I am time breaking with my ex girlfriend,  and I can do some, 
but what happens is it starts to be flooded with other incidents or it gets 
foggy or grainy. The whole thing really messed me up and I know it still is 
compulsively playing out. I don't want her in my universe it's gone and it's 
all just crazy, so that is my main focus right now. I agree that I gain a lot 
from the RI's, they are great. 

Your work with your partner sounds interesting!  ☺

I can believe the practices that your friends do. Having been on the roundabout 
of spituality I have seen the weird and wonderful, including one person who 
thought whipping themselves with stinging nettles was healing. For me it's a 
mix of healing and empowerment,  of course we need to confront our experiences, 
but we also want to have fun, or life becomes drudgery.  

Yes I am happy to work in the way you have suggested, are you a professional,  
in that you charge for your time and expertise?  

I look forward to hearing from you. 


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-------- Original message --------
From: "Colleen K. Peltomaa" <cygnifi...@gmail.com> 
Date:08/10/2014  14:01  (GMT+00:00) 
To: Trom@lists.newciv.org 
Subject: [TROM1] Fwd: Welcome to Dru 

Hello, Dru,

So you are in the UK?  Well, I am on the East Coast here in Connecticut.  I 
worked over Skype for 3 years with a gentleman ​in Belgium ​who could not 
recall much of his childhood.   Since then I have been devoting time to 
handling my own case.

Timebreaking is a native ability and whatever one does to get really good at it 
is okay.  When I timebreak on Level 2 I take something about the person -- 
their hair, a color about them.   I consider the body as an object.  How is the 
body different from the clock, for example.    

Yes, I admit it is awkward, and in the beginning I needed a lot of help.  I 
also will simply take a body and compare it with another body -- one can do 
that too.  It does not have to be the present time environment one compares 

I made some gains using the Sedona Method and then some Vipassana and also some 
Advaita.   I'm glad I did all that and now I appreciate even more Dennis' Level 
4 and Level 5.  I also had some Grade 2.   And I had the CCHs.  ​And I had 
extensive Dianetics and so have many past life scenes to timebreak.

​It was all for good and now I consistently do my practice every day.  It has 
taken me 4 years from the time I first discovered Trom to finally be able to 
agree with Dennis that, yes, this is a fun activity.   Take heart.

At that level of final clearing stage it all hinges on the person's ability to 
look at an incident fully without flinching or the incident freezing up or 
being covered up with a screen.  I now have techniques to handle all of those.

If you are in a compulsive condition then RI will mean a lot to you and I wish 
to make sure you are doing it fully to your benefit.  Personally, I get a lot 
of insights from RI and so does my partner who is doing TROM.

My partner is a Class VI auditor and together we are experimenting with ways to 
use the Level 4 commands as a spiritual psychotherapy.   He is helping me run 
the "To Eat" package Level 4 style and it is working very well for me.  Once 
completed I hope to try it out on some willing people.


You should see all the torturous routes my meditator friends put themselves 
through​,​ and their level of dedication is awesome.  And they actually are 
making some progress.  They do have a metta practice that could be used as a 
type of RI.

If you do decide to contact me over Skype I would want to see how you do your 
RI and make sure you are doing it correctly.   I would also want to have you 
bring up a recent scene from your past and see how you timebreak to your 
satisfaction.  I simply want you to have fun at it.

Have a good run with UCP -- you are headed in the right direction.


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