The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Trom is my life passion

Yes, I'm aware Life finds other ways to resolve its inner conflicts'
however, for me, TROM is my "peanut" [reference to George Washington Carver
who made the peanut popular].

The core of Trom is Level 5 and I have yet to crack the hull.  It's all
being proven out to its limits, starting with my own case, my own engram

I sometimes gave up on "Native State", eternal bliss, and Hubbard, then
Dennis helped me keep the desire alive.   Other Trommers too, helping me to
stay dedicated, and keep it simple.

There was a part of Ego that did not like this decision and that is
resolved for now.

One could approach it this way, for example, if one knows oneself to be
largely a must-be-knowner, one could ask oneself, "what is the biggest and
best effect I could create that would best serve Life?"  It might be
something beautiful one creates, etc.   Don't fight it, just keep resolving
the compulsions and create the best effects possible for the highest
enjoyment of Life.

If one knows oneself to be a "Must-Know'er", well a must-know gets
havingness from receiving effects, from knowing -- what is the best effects
this type could postulate receiving?   Take it to the top.

When compulsions are reduced all types will have the wisdom to know when to
play and when not to play.... games becoming voluntary and fun again.

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