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> From: "web" <robin_m...@a1.net>
> Date: March 16, 2015 at 4:48:37 AM PDT
> To: "Pete Mclaughlin" <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: Welcome to TROM
> Hi Pete,
> thanks for your email.
> I live in Austria/EU and had been in the CoS in the 80-90ties.
> In the Vienna org I got various trainings including NED-Auditor.
> At the auditing path I startet with co-audit and
> finally attested the state of Clear audited at the HGC.
> After LRH left the CoS allone and management had changed
> I sensed an ever increasing disagreement with the organisation
> which finally led to a complete break.
> Never the less I hold Ron's work in very high regard and I'am glad
> to own almost all of his great books written in the in the 50ties, 60ties
> as well as a set of Tech.Volumes and E-Meters.
> After the break up with CoS there was an extended phase of inactivity
> with regard to any mental technology. Every now and then I studied
> LRH-materials and successfully applied various parts of it particularly
> in the field of organisation and administration.
> I was very well aware of the fact that it would be wise to do
> something about the bank - better in this lifetime than in a future on.
> So about 8 years ago I began searching the web for applicabel mental tech.
> There was/is an almost overwhelming amount of data available.
> Much of it stored on my HDD I've still only sighted a small part of it.
> One of the first items I took up was Dennis Stevens TROM.
> The reading was very enlightning. However, I never gave it a try.
> Just recently I re-found some of my old notes regarding TROM
> on my computer. That motivated me to search the web again in the hope
> that TROM is still alive there and may be some additional material can be
> found. In the course of that I found your mailing list and the tromhelp.com 
> site
> as well. I was positively surprised that Amazon offers Dennis's books now.
> Well, I'll restudy the subject in the next few weeks and then give it a try.
> Robin
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pete Mclaughlin" 
> <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>
> To: <robin_m...@a1.net>
> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 11:37 AM
> Subject: Welcome to TROM
> Hi
> Initially you will have supervised email on this list. If you will email a 
> short introduction stating what brought you to TROM I will give you 
> unrestricted access to mail to the list.
> There is an archive of past posts at 
> http://lists.newciv.org/mailman/listinfo/trom. It would be good to look 
> through these old emails as many interesting questions have been discussed in 
> the past.
> The web site www.tromhelp.com has all of the books, recordings and now the 
> Repair of Importance processes that you can download for free to start doing 
> TROM immediately. All materials on that site are in the public domain or 
> available with the authors permission.
> The TROM books in paperback and Kindle format are now available at Amazon.com 
> with this web address 
> http://www.amazon.com/Dennis-Stephens/e/B00H4C0RS2/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
> Be sure to ask questions. There are many talented people on the mailing list 
> who will respond if someone asks a question.
> Keep on TROMing
> Pete McLaughlin
> List moderator
> Sent from my iPad= 
Trom mailing list

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