The following message is relayed to you by trom@lists.newciv.org
At 09:59 31-07-2015, The Resolution of Mind list (Actually not from the
list, all list members, but one member on it) wrote:
Well, I do not find particularly
interesting looking at the past. What about changing the format?
Dear ?,
Thanks for your reply and comment.
For my part I have long lost major interest in TROM, but felt I could
revive the list by sending the replays, which start tomorrow.
What about creating a blog where
you can create posts and people can comment?
People can
create, post and comment here.
Well, I do not find particularly
interesting looking at the past.
It has been said something
in the direction of a good understanding of the past helps you predict
and understand the future. With that you would also better your own
chances and happiness (including having fun) in the future
I am doing no more, with regard to TROM, than send these replays again
(which is relatively easy for me).
There is nothing (I know of) stopping anyone doing the things you suggest
(but some of them have been done and so far as I know they fizzled out).
It just takes time, the will to persist, and the ability to judge present
realities (lists, I believe, have been superceded rather broadly by some
of the other things you suggest).
I have been connected with Scientology in different ways for over 60
years, and what powers of persistence I have will be mainly devoted to
recording the many aspects and changes that I have been involved in in
some way during that time. There has been (in the general media) an
overemphasis in the many bad things in Scientology, especially in late
years. There is much good in it, and my remaining time with this
body will be involved in getting some of these things recorded. For an
example, see:
. All the seven things named there at the moment are written by
me, recording my experiences. My time (apart from enjoying myself -
yesterday I paid a lightening visit to Bornholm and cycled 30 kms in the
marvelous cycling country) will be spent on trying to get as much of the
positive and semi positive part of Scientology's past recorded so it is
available to those who have not been do fortunate as me in experiencing
its development.
All best wishes,
P.S. One is allowed to comment on this and anything else appearing on
this list. (Positive) communication is a good thing.
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