The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Re-sent by Antony August 28, 2015,

Dear TROMmers, Sorry, this did not get out to you last Saturday. Hope you
did not all lose faith in TROM :-)
Note that this marterial is four years old and addresses can be inaccurate.
I do no editing, so any one who cares to send the list uptodate important
addresses would be no doubt much appreciated by all (I happened to see a
website quoted, which I am sure is now inaccurate)

Good TROMming,


            TROM: Replay B5
            Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:35:18 +0100
            Antony Phillips <i...@post8.tele.dk>
            International Viewpoints

 Msg : 51 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : Justin Wood <003w...@uwcc.cc.wits.ac.za>          Thu 02 Mar 95
 To : Jacobus van der Merwe <s9219...@itu1.sun.ac.za>   Fri 03 Mar 95
 Subj : Re: CMSG CANCEL <9502241137.0

Time has been the main issue. It's difficult to get a time when I
know that I have an hour where I won't be disturbed. I entered on
level two. I'm well familiar with RI and havingness processes in
general. They never fail to bring me uptone if I'm feeling a litle
out of touch.

I think the items I came up with were a bit heavy. Each time I had
to end the session prematurely due to some interuption.  For a not
so long after that I was feeling a somewhat 'massy'; memories from my
childhood floating around and just coming to mind with only the
faguest of link ups. Homer once said that memory is not an absolute
thing, recall is acheived by resonance with other similar, in chains.
 I have a lot of reality on this now. Anyhow, I managed to get it
cleared up with a bit of RI.

> Jacobus
> PS. How are you doing with TROM?


--- GIGO+ sn 44 at winboss vsn 0.96w32

 Msg : 52 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : Justin Wood <003w...@uwcc.cc.wits.ac.za>          Fri 03 Mar 95
 To : tro...@netcom.com                                 Fri 03 Mar 95
 Subj : TROM
Here's something Joachim sent me some time ago. I thought it might be
of interest.


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

Date sent:    Wed, 07 Sep 1994 10:52:27 -0700
To:           jvdme...@itu1.sun.ac.za
From:         j...@netcom.com (Joachim Steingrubner)
Subject:      TROM
Copies to:    003w...@uwcc.cc.wits.ac.za

>You have used TROM quite extensively haven't you?   Could you give some
advice to a Free Zoner (newbie to scientology, read DMSMH and subscribed to
clear-l). He wants to know if its workable at his level as a good start
you off solo proccessing and if it is safe.
>(Flemming has suggested to him that he not 'play around with' TROM)
>You could forward the mail through me if you wish.
>He is Jacobus van der Merwe jvdme...@itu1.sun.ac.za

Justin, Jacobus,

I'm doing Level 5 now since about 2 weeks. Actually, I find myself doing
some other
things as well. That's exactly the reason why I concur with Flemming to be
with of the TROM stuff.

However, Levels 2 and 3 (Object and Scene Timebreaking) is very beneficial
and cannot foul up anything.

There are several pitfalls to TROM that I will publish once I got more time
and also more experience with 'novices' doing it.

The most obvious is that TROM is specified only for flows 1 and 2 for the
the first two dynamic, omitting flows 0 and 3 plus all other dynamics.

I recommend having a look at my little picture on the 9 flows on the first
three dynamics on the 'Wiener Girl' page


if my words do not make sense to you.

Use a Mosaic browser or download the picture 9flows.gif using ftp.

The flows should also be used when doing Repair of Importances (RI),
of course.

I'm experimenting with cartoons to communicate the real simple processes
involved in the first levels.

Level 2 and 3 are not really seperate, since you can't really isolate objects

from scenes and vice versa. One would start out with objects and then
naturally move into scenes after a while.

Only the first sessions should be made in an isolated environment at home.
Once the confidence on how to do it is there, it is most beneficial doing
it in daily life when the items kick in naturally.

Level 4 (Overwhelms) should not [be] done solo before solid processing
knowledge and experience has been achieved.

Level 5 contains some items that even Stephens apparently is not aware
of. I cannot perceive how it could be done properly without doing at
least the lower OT levels (up to OT 8) of Ron's Org. If not done properly
they could potentially foul up your livingness. This is dangerous unless
you're an isolated monk going straight for 'nirvana' (which is a 'no-game'

Just reading level 4 and 5 and his comments can be extremely beneficial.
That's the major reason that I promote TROM myself.

I recommend doing TROM 2 and 3 while studying, if possible exercising,
Flemming's Transformational Dialogues I. Free to download from
ftp: ftp.netcom.com/pub/ffunch/td windows or mac. [Now (2015) http://www.worldtrans.org/TPS/win/TP1.pdf]

Also, the book 'Finite and Infinite Game' from Carse is containing some
information that Stephens left out or wasn't aware of.

If you want to do TROM 2 and 3, both Flemming and I can provide you
with some on-line advice if you should have a question.

Actually, I would like to have more feedback from people that are not
oldtimer-OTs, and would like to encourage you to maintain contact
with either me or Flemming.

Happy Trommin'


** Joachim - the ice-heart-'n-time-breakin' dude **
** Mosaic: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/jhs/home.html **
     Ant                              Antony A Phillips
                                       tlf: (+45) 45 88 88 69
                                        Box 78
                                        DK - 2800 Lyngby
Editor, International Viewpoints (= IVy). See Home Page:
Administrator: trom-l, selfclearing-l, superscio-l, IVy lists


Antony Phillips.
Danish interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmXZ4X_uYRo
English interview Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdgqweh-4WI
English interview Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8sGp6AwuK4
English biography http://scientolipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Antony_Phillips
(+45) 45 88 88 69
Admin to SelfClearing2004, SuperScio, Cosmic History   mailing lists
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