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This is a book of psychic first aid. It allows you to handle a crisis yourself 
whilst waiting for professional healing or assistance. It is a collection of 
successful techniques that I have used for myself, and for others who needed 
immediate help. I have found them useful as first aid outside of formal 
counseling sessions: in social situations and even over the phone. This book is 
not intended to take the place of physical first aid in handling bodily injury. 
However, it can greatly improve the effectiveness of physical techniques.
 Muriel Chen 
Adelaide 1994 

(Muriel Chen was an Auditor and C/S in the CofS for 35 years before moving to 
the freezone in 1982. Pete Mclaughlin 2010) 

The Philosophy Behind This Book 
The author has been an active student and practitioner in the field of 
metaphysics and spiritual improvement for over thirty years. She has developed 
certain attitudes and beliefs through this time that empower her current 
practice. We create or allow our reality. We create or allow all of it--the 
major events, crises and successes of life, all their consequences, even the 
tiniest details of daily existence. We do this through our conscious, 
subconscious and unconscious beliefs, thoughts and feelings, attitudes, choices 
and decisions. What we desire, imagine and expect manifests this consciousness. 
Learning to consciously choose and manifest, and thus creating all our reality 
knowingly, is one of the most essential purposes of human life. Throughout life 
we are programmed with beliefs,which limit our ability to create the realities 
which we would choose. These beliefs persist until they are recognized and 
changed to bring about the experiences, which we desire. The ability to assist 
others to find and change unwanted limiting beliefs is one of the professional 
skills of the practitioners listed at the back of the book. The ability to 
freely feel and experience the emotions, which are part of living, is a 
necessary part of the healing process. Many of the following first aid 
suggestions stress strongly feeling the emotions, negative and positive. Many 
of the exercises are designed to allow the flow of emotions, which are 
appropriate for healing and growth. 
Malcolm Day


Some people feel very much a part of their families and the society in which 
they live whilst others feel completely out of place. They feel that they must 
have been adopted or that they must have come from somewhere else even from 
another planet or another universe. They may be right. 
You have your own unique universe. You are here to have fun finding how other's 
have constructed their own universes. Each of those universe's is different 
from all others--unique! 
At some time in your life you will find people who feel to you like your true 
family. They are your spiritual family. They reflect you as you wish to be. You 
choose the family you come into whether the family involved is your biological 
family or not. You made this choice in order to experience what you are 
You 'come from' your own universe. Look at what you are experiencing. See what 
there is in the experience to help you learn about your own qualities and about 
the uniqueness of you. All the good things you can see in other people are 
reflections of your own good qualities. 

However, you also see the things in others that are not right. These reflect 
hidden parts of your universe that you prefer not to have. You choose to 
reflect what you admire in order to see your chosen qualities and you choose to 
reflect what you find unacceptable in order to resolve these things in your 

Look to see if you are judging yourself as right and others as wrong. This 
judgment is what makes you feel alien to other people. This judgment is also 
what makes them feel alien to you. 

1. List all the judgments that you are making of a person you feel alien to. 
Take the first judgment. 
2. Find times when you have been or done whatever it is that you are judging 
the other person for being or doing. 
3. Take full responsibility for what you caused at each of those times, and 
feel the feelings that you may have caused. 
Now, 4. Let those feelings go--just let them go--the same way you would let a 
piece of paper you were holding on to go. This will allow you to forgive 
5. Decide to change. 
6. Repeat this for each judgment on your list--and you will feel closer to that 
person. When all alienation caused through judgment is released you will find 
it easier to decide exactly who you are.

(The above is the second process in the book Psychic First Aid.  I will 
continue to put this book up on the TROM list a section at a time till it is 
all here.  If you are interested in having a copy of the book you can find it 
in PDF and Kindle formats at www.tromhelp.com/books.

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin

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