DATE: October 25, 2002
FROM: Jerry Falwell


What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet. (Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Sc. 2.)

What's in a name? If the name is diversity, it is comprised of falsehood, deceit and duplicity.

In Rochester, N.Y., WorldNetDaily has reported that a 23-year veteran of The Eastman Kodak Co. was fired solely because he objected to a pro-homosexual memo. Rolf Szabo was terminated for refusing to recant remarks officials say did not adhere to the company's so-called "Winning & Inclusive Culture" which is allegedly designed to promote "diversity."

In this present age, diversity is an alluring word that the left utilizes to camouflage its ongoing effort to silence people of faith who uphold the Judeo-Christian values that our nation embraced for nearly two centuries. This is not diversity; it is outright bigotry and intolerance disguised with an attractive (and quite meaningless) word.

There are a host of similar cases demonstrating how Judeo-Christian ideals are unfairly and dishonestly banned in the "debate" on homosexuality.

In Ann Arbor, Mich., an 18-year-old girl and her mother have sued the city public school system after the girl's religious beliefs on homosexuality were suppressed. During "Diversity Week" last March, school officials deleted references to homosexuality from the text of an address given by Betsy Hansen, a senior at Pioneer High School. The suit claims that the girl's Catholic beliefs were muted by officials who wanted no debate in the one-sided event.

Call it diversity.

In Hayward, Calif., earlier this year, high school teachers were informed they would be required to attend an in-service program focusing on "gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender youth." When some teachers complained, saying their religious beliefs were violated by the program, school officials said the school district's requirement for teachers to attend trumped provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which provides broad protections for people of religious faith in the workplace.

You guessed it. Diversity.

In St. Paul, Minn., two Department of Corrections employees were reprimanded in 1998 because they silently read from their Bibles during a mandatory training session titled "Gays and Lesbians in the Workplace." (In August of this year, a federal jury found that state officials violated the free speech and equal protection rights of the employees and had discriminated against them on the basis of their religion.)

Uh huh. Diversity.

In the small town of Ferndale, Mich., a local volunteer police chaplain is facing dismissal because he has stated that he believes homosexuality is a sin. The homosexual activist group Soulforce is urging the removal of Pastor Tom Hanson from his position because it is a promotion of "spiritual violence."

Stephen Bennett, a Christian recording artist and one of the nation's leading voices of those "coming out" of homosexuality, wrote in an Agape Press commentary that the new diversity mission is part of a "calculated, planned 'homosexualization' of America by militant homosexuals."

He said, "[It] was encouraged well over a decade ago by homosexual advocates Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's. Kirk and Madsen mapped out a plan to 'turn the tables' on America and switch the bigotry aimed at homosexuals - to those who would oppose them. The book plays out almost like a prophetic book of the Bible."

He continued, "Their plan came dressed up in marketing lingo: 'Desensitize, Jam and Convert.'" ('Jam' is a term meaning the smearing of anyone who disagrees with the homosexual agenda.)

We can certainly see this strategy being played out today. In Hollywood, homosexuals are routinely portrayed as gallant and courageous individuals who typically must battle against Christians who are depicted as unyielding and hateful persons attempting to force everyone to conform to their standards.

It is evident that the opposite is true.

Once again we see that perception is more powerful than the truth. As long as Hollywood and our nation's news media mindlessly allow homosexual-rights leaders to dictate how the "truth" is presented to a gullible American public, we can expect to see many more people facing similar cases of discrimination and persecution simply because they choose to honor their religious ideals.

And they will face this inequity under the dark guise of diversity.


Dr. John M. Borek Jr., president of Liberty University
, has announced the appointment of Mathew Staver as chairman of the Liberty University School of Law Steering Committee and Bruce Green as the first dean of the Liberty University School of Law, which will be launched next fall.

Mr. Staver, B.A., M.A., J.D., is a highly renowned Constitutional scholar and litigator who has argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. As the founder of Orlando-based Liberty Counsel, he has authored numerous articles and several books on Constitutional law and has taught Constitutional law and litigation techniques to hundreds of attorneys in the U.S. and Canada. Over the past several years, Mr. Staver has devoted significant time and resources to developing the concept of creating an exclusive law school, which will integrate a strategic approach to law. Liberty University's School of Law will form the hub of such a multifaceted and comprehensive legal training program. Mr. Staver's wife, Anita, received her Masters Degree from Liberty University and is also an attorney who specializes in Constitutional law.

Bruce Green, B.A., M.Th., J.D., is the perfect person to serve as the first dean of the Liberty University
School of Law. Upon graduating from law school, Mr. Green served as a law clerk to several federal judges. He has also been at the forefront of many religious freedom battles, serving as general counsel to two prominent religious freedom organizations. He is also a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, giving him a unique vision for establishing a Christian-based law school. Mr. Green has long had a keen interest in education and has developed and implemented successful legal training programs for attorneys and law students. These programs have included training in Constitutional law and the development and foundations of American law and government. Mr. Green has also taught extensively on these subjects. He has designed legal training curriculum and has experience in faculty development. Both Mr. Green and Mr. Staver share the same vision of establishing one of the finest law schools in America.
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DATE: October 25, 2002
FROM: Jerry Falwell


What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet. (Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Sc. 2.)

What's in a name? If the name is diversity, it is comprised of falsehood, deceit and duplicity.

In Rochester, N.Y., WorldNetDaily has reported that a 23-year veteran of The Eastman Kodak Co. was fired solely because he objected to a pro-homosexual memo. Rolf Szabo was terminated for refusing to recant remarks officials say did not adhere to the company's so-called "Winning & Inclusive Culture" which is allegedly designed to promote "diversity."

In this present age, diversity is an alluring word that the left utilizes to camouflage its ongoing effort to silence people of faith who uphold the Judeo-Christian values that our nation embraced for nearly two centuries. This is not diversity; it is outright bigotry and intolerance disguised with an attractive (and quite meaningless) word.

There are a host of similar cases demonstrating how Judeo-Christian ideals are unfairly and dishonestly banned in the "debate" on homosexuality.

In Ann Arbor, Mich., an 18-year-old girl and her mother have sued the city public school system after the girl's religious beliefs on homosexuality were suppressed. During "Diversity Week" last March, school officials deleted references to homosexuality from the text of an address given by Betsy Hansen, a senior at Pioneer High School. The suit claims that the girl's Catholic beliefs were muted by officials who wanted no debate in the one-sided event.

Call it diversity.

In Hayward, Calif., earlier this year, high school teachers were informed they would be required to attend an in-service program focusing on "gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender youth." When some teachers complained, saying their religious beliefs were violated by the program, school officials said the school district's requirement for teachers to attend trumped provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which provides broad protections for people of religious faith in the workplace.

You guessed it. Diversity.

In St. Paul, Minn., two Department of Corrections employees were reprimanded in 1998 because they silently read from their Bibles during a mandatory training session titled "Gays and Lesbians in the Workplace." (In August of this year, a federal jury found that state officials violated the free speech and equal protection rights of the employees and had discriminated against them on the basis of their religion.)

Uh huh. Diversity.

In the small town of Ferndale, Mich., a local volunteer police chaplain is facing dismissal because he has stated that he believes homosexuality is a sin. The homosexual activist group Soulforce is urging the removal of Pastor Tom Hanson from his position because it is a promotion of "spiritual violence."

Stephen Bennett, a Christian recording artist and one of the nation's leading voices of those "coming out" of homosexuality, wrote in an Agape Press commentary that the new diversity mission is part of a "calculated, planned 'homosexualization' of America by militant homosexuals."

He said, "[It] was encouraged well over a decade ago by homosexual advocates Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's. Kirk and Madsen mapped out a plan to 'turn the tables' on America and switch the bigotry aimed at homosexuals - to those who would oppose them. The book plays out almost like a prophetic book of the Bible."

He continued, "Their plan came dressed up in marketing lingo: 'Desensitize, Jam and Convert.'" ('Jam' is a term meaning the smearing of anyone who disagrees with the homosexual agenda.)

We can certainly see this strategy being played out today. In Hollywood, homosexuals are routinely portrayed as gallant and courageous individuals who typically must battle against Christians who are depicted as unyielding and hateful persons attempting to force everyone to conform to their standards.

It is evident that the opposite is true.

Once again we see that perception is more powerful than the truth. As long as Hollywood and our nation's news media mindlessly allow homosexual-rights leaders to dictate how the "truth" is presented to a gullible American public, we can expect to see many more people facing similar cases of discrimination and persecution simply because they choose to honor their religious ideals.

And they will face this inequity under the dark guise of diversity.


Dr. John M. Borek Jr., president of Liberty University, has announced the appointment of Mathew Staver as chairman of the Liberty University School of Law Steering Committee and Bruce Green as the first dean of the Liberty University School of Law, which will be launched next fall.

Mr. Staver, B.A., M.A., J.D., is a highly renowned Constitutional scholar and litigator who has argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. As the founder of Orlando-based Liberty Counsel, he has authored numerous articles and several books on Constitutional law and has taught Constitutional law and litigation techniques to hundreds of attorneys in the U.S. and Canada. Over the past several years, Mr. Staver has devoted significant time and resources to developing the concept of creating an exclusive law school, which will integrate a strategic approach to law. Liberty University's School of Law will form the hub of such a multifaceted and comprehensive legal training program. Mr. Staver's wife, Anita, received her Masters Degree from Liberty University and is also an attorney who specializes in Constitutional law.

Bruce Green, B.A., M.Th., J.D., is the perfect person to serve as the first dean of the Liberty University School of Law. Upon graduating from law school, Mr. Green served as a law clerk to several federal judges. He has also been at the forefront of many religious freedom battles, serving as general counsel to two prominent religious freedom organizations. He is also a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, giving him a unique vision for establishing a Christian-based law school. Mr. Green has long had a keen interest in education and has developed and implemented successful legal training programs for attorneys and law students. These programs have included training in Constitutional law and the development and foundations of American law and government. Mr. Green has also taught extensively on these subjects. He has designed legal training curriculum and has experience in faculty development. Both Mr. Green and Mr. Staver share the same vision of establishing one of the finest law schools in America.

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